One Room Challenge // Week 5

April 30, 2014

hello! here we are again, my friends. down to the last week of the one room challenge. if you're just joining for the first time, 19 other bloggers and myself have been invited by linda of calling it home to redecorate a space from start to finish in 6 short weeks. in other words, we all signed up for the state of perpetual anxiety we're in.

alas, the end is near.

to recap my office progress: week one // week two // week three // week four

 this week, our house was plagued with infant viruses. i'm not sure if you all know this or not, but infant germs will make you 1,000,000 times more ill than drinking pure acid. those little babes pack a mean punch. babycakes was down and brought us all down with her.

bless her.

luckily, i was still able to function just enough. hooray!

the marbled paper arrived and i immediately knew that it could not be hidden away as drawer liners.
now i'm debating hiding it away on the closet walls instead.

yay?? nay?? this goes against the no-fuss approach i was originally after, but it sure is purty.
i have loved the look since that 2012 issue of lonny mag. you know the one.


the gumball machine got a fancy little makeover.

after much much much waffling, i made art decisions.
our dear, sweet, kind friends at minted said they would *try* to get things to me in time.

this beauty arrived mere days later and is pure perfection!!!!

as a sucker for abstract art, photography is always something i like, but have a hard time committing to. i'm very particular about subject matter. i heart the black and white contrast, simplicity and architectural aspects of this image. although, minted did have a lot of great art to choose from.

i cringed a little when i saw that one of the other participants went for the same piece.
what can i say? girl has good taste :)

now to get finishing touches in place. big reveal next week!!

let's see how everyone else is doing:

-  o x o x  -

*big thank you to minted for your generous ORC sponsorship!*


Unknown said...

That Minted image is on my fave list as well- it's glorious. And you HAVE to do the marble paper in your closet- it's heavenly.

Abby M. Interiors said...

Awe! Sweet angelic face--hard to believe they can pack such a punch and take down a whole family. Loving that art from minted. I know it's a bummer that you're using the same art as another, but your rooms are so different that I'm excited to see how great it looks in both spaces! Can't wait to see the end results! Good luck this week. xx

My Notting Hill said...

Your little babycakes is an angel! The marbled paper is fabulous and love the photo you chose. Can't wait for the reveal!

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

I say go for it with that paper. It is beyond.

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Ooo I Love the art. Nice touch. How big did you go?

The paper is perfect in the closet. I like a surprise in an otherwise subdued room.

Bethany [at] Powell Brower Home said...

oh my gosh - she's just way too exhausted by all of this!

Linda {Calling it Home} said...

Aww, sweet little baby. I hope she is better now. You probably did not sleep much. Love the art and the gumball makeover. Can't wait to see those closets.

kate@willowinteriors said...

That art is AWESOME!! And a huge Hells Yea to marble-izing the closet!!!
BTW, sweetest baby face ever! Hope she is feeling better (worst feeling in the world). :(


So sorry about all the illness....that sucks. On the other hand that marble damn sweet. And the art....can I copy you? I love it!

Albertina M. Cisneros said...

I hope you are all feeling better! I remember I we used to get sick all the time alongside baby....I love that paper for the closet! do it...imagine how exciting to see that beautiful paper when you open it. I probably would not close the doors ever! And that piece from Minted is beautiful!

Unknown said...

that minted image is the BEST! i love it too.
fab choice.

katie gavigan said...

i love everything you've chosen…this room is going to be so good! here's to a healthy, productive week!

Erin said...

Well it's tough choosing something unique when everyone has such great taste, no?

Poor sweet baby! But even baby germs can't keep that marble paper down. Anywhere you put it will be amazeballs.

Leah said...

yes to the marble paper! I can remember when Nick Olsen did it to his coffee table way back when and it stuck in my head! hope y'all are feeling better!! said...

Oh no on the virus! Hope that beautiful babe is better and you too of course! Love that paper!!

pam {simple details} said...

She is so precious, hope all is germ free soon! No question, I would want that gorgeous paper somewhere I could see it!! :)

Unknown said...

Hope everyone is on the mend over there! I absolutely think you should do the closet in the marbelized paper. It's gorgeous and needs to be seen!

Jessie said...

She is such a beautiful angel, hope she gets well soon. I love the artwork you picked. Looking forward to see the results next week!


The Pink Pagoda said...

Awwwww, she is soooo beautiful. Sorry to hear you all have been under the weather. You still got some fab things done, nontheless :)

Your office is going to be amazing!

Andrea said...

Poor sweet baby! I'm so sorry y'all have been under the weather!! But your office is going to be so gorgeous... I LOVE the art and marble paper! I cannot wait to see the final reveal!

The Glam Pad

Tiffany said...

What a beautiful baby! Wishing you all a speedy recovery. It's so hard when babies get sick:(
On a separate note I love that gumball machine and love the paper.

Reichel Broussard said...

That marbled paper is everything! And I almost got the same print as well ;)

Krista @ Goodwill Glam said...

So sorry you've all been sick! We're fighting a similar battle. I can't wait to see your big reveal!


mrs. V | Chez V said...

Two thumbs up to marble and that goldilocks gumball machine. Can not wait.

Carrie said...

Oh my, what a precious little face! Hope everyone is feeling better very soon! The paper is truly awesome. It'll be fun to see how the print works in such different rooms.

Bess said...

Gorge photo of Ava, but I don't think it's right that you put false eyelashes on your baby. ;)

Verandah House said...

Love the wallpaper I say go for it too! hope your little one gets better soon, looking forward to seeing your room reveal x

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