Design // Spa Q

April 18, 2013

Love this branding by MAUD for Spa Q. Great use of texture, pattern and color.

So much beauty in simplicity!


1. Fima said...

Simple and beautiful!


2. Justynn {creativelifeantics} said...

Very cool. The use of multiple colors is hard to pull of as well as they did.

3. Unknown said...

Oh geez. So pretty and unique. You always get me to step out of my box with the projects you show! It's so easy to keep doing what you're doing when you work for yourself, by yourself. So triple thank you!

4. Alexa said...

I"m just loving the geometric look. And I particularly love the colors here. Wonderful branding!

5. Kristina said...

These are so cute and simple, love love love.

Kristina does the Internets

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