Art // How Now Brown Cow

April 16, 2013

So this is going to sound a little crazy. Blame it on my midwestern roots or coming from a family of farmers, but I am sort of into the idea of cow art lately.

Yes, you read that correctly.

Before you write me off completely, know that there are some totally legit options out there. I mean, if Sharon Montrose is doing it, it's gotta be cool....

one // two // three // four // five // six

I'm specifically taken with that first one. Could be really beautiful in the right space, right??
Or have I officially lost it?


1. jacquelyn | lark&linen said...

haha I love you
And I can totally get on board with this

2. Sarah said...

I'm obsessed with animal prints - cows and horses specifically, which is odd b/c I don't really care for either in real life. I wanted to do a giant cow in the dining room but that grossed my husband out.

3. Katie Waddell said...

I love that first one too, although they are all great. I have an oil painting of a mom and baby cow in my boys' no you haven't lost it! :)

4. Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

I want to hug that first cow. He/she looks so sweet. And I always love cow lashes, so long and pretty. I'm with ya sister.

5. Tobe | BIA said...

YAYYY!!! i'm not cray. glad you guys agree.

@Sarah, the husband is always a challenge.... :)

6. Meghan said...

ha, when I finished my master's I was going to treat myself to this awesome cow painting on Etsy...until it got vehemently vetoed by my man. Looking at these I just may have to override his veto... ;)

7. Lauren said...

I'm totally into them, too...but both of my parents grew up on farms and met in 4-H so I have some rural roots for sure. Cowtown Pride.

8. Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

mmm yes, I love the first one!

9. Anonymous said...

I love all animals but am particularly fond of cows. They are so cute and I love their eyelashes. The first one is so cool! xo

10. Bethany [at] Powell Brower Home said...

im with ya sista! when mom redid her laundry room and staged it, most of the comments were about the huge cow painting versus the jute trim on the moulding!

11. Kim Knox-Thurn said...

Have you seen the Marimekko Cow wallpaper - it's fabulous! My favourite is the black & white cows with the hot pink background. Kim @ The Style Project

12. Tobe | BIA said...

@Kim - I haven't, but I better check it out!

13. Unknown said...

I love cow art. Youre not crazy! join the club. Check out his artist that I love:
xo Nancy

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