One Room Challenge // Week 3

April 16, 2014

soooo....welcome back to pure chaos, also known as week 3 of the one room challenge. you guys have been so supportive up to this point -- huge thank you!!! if you're here to see progress -- and i suspect you are -- your socks will remain intact this week. i've accomplished several things, but they're not impressive as major room transformations go. i don't need to make excuses, but i blame baby and an (incredible) out of town wedding over the weekend.

somehow still made progress, so WINNING.


- removed all dresser hardware and cleaned it up. brillo pad and barkeepers friend to the rescue! (also, i'm kind of a liar. my loving husband did this while i put ze bebe to bed two consecutive nights.)

 to this:
shameless plug: 
look at all of that delicious soon-to-be shop inventory!!

- removed existing dresser drawer liners and wiped all drawers down. discovered bank statements from 1987.

- removed closet doors and emptied closet for reorganization and painting. (yes, this deserves its own bullet.)

- emptied and photographed armoire to be sold. still waiting to remove it from the room...

- reconfigured layout.

- solved for new office chair solution. will use one of the brass milo baughman dining chairs and list the old (but virtually new) white leather one on craigs.

- actually started using my desk again!

hopefuls by next wednesday:

- paint closet. possibly add shelving. (don't tell the husband he will be helping again next week.)

- paint room and closet doors and rehang.

- remove armoire.

- reattach all dresser hardware.

- bring in rug for a dose of color. 

(vintage persian formerly in the family room)

- paint gumball machine.
yessir. i'm going there.

 i should have it brass dipped.

the week ahead is going to be full of MAJOR progress. can't wait to get to it!
aaaand now we see what the others are up to this week.

-  o x o x  -


1. Unknown said...

How much do I love that there's going to be a gumball machine!?!?! And that still my heart!

2. Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Oh yes you have to brass dip that gum ball machine!! Hahaha.

Love the rug and the direction. good to spread the love around with those gorgoues Baughman chairs.

3. SHERRY HART said... have a lot of work to do and it is scaring me:) Excited to see it finished because I adore everything you have showed us. Glad you shared the secret to cleaning brass....I have a vintage brass sculpture that needs some major TLC.....Lucky you for getting your husband to help!

4. aquahaus said...

Love that rug and totally support dipping the gum ball machine. That was be spectacular.

5. Krystine @ said...

I am INSANELY jealous of your dresser- it is fabulous & I love the gumball machine color!

6. Jessie said...

So sweet of your hubby to help! That rug looks fabulous, can't wait to see more next week!


7. Unknown said...

its looking pretty...well AWESOME! love that wall color. the art and the chairs. woop.

8. Carrie said...

I am in love with your rug. And I probably should not admit this but I didn't scroll far enough down to see the renewed drawer pulls so instead I thought, "wow, how did she turn those rectangles into unicorns?!" That is some magic! ;)

9. Linda {Calling it Home} said...

Cleaning that hardware is a big job. That rug is amazing, and a gumball that.

10. Albertina M. Cisneros said...

That inventory!!! YUM!! Dying to see it all in your store. The gumball machine is pretty cool. Ok, when you have a moment can you share a your best tip to clean brass? My husband kind of ruined the brass unicorn I gave my daughter (long story) and I can't get it to where it was before!

11. pam {simple details} said...

Love your whimsical gumball machine, and I vote for gold dipped! :) That rug is awesome, I need to get working on finding one - yikes! Good luck this week!

12. The Pink Pagoda said...

First, DYING over the brass objects going into your store!!

Love the rug and that dresser is fantastic. I love to see the sweet husbands helping out with ORC tasks! Mine has certainly put in plenty of time and will this round, too!

13. Andrea said...

I'm going to have to try your brass cleaning tip for sure! I've always used Brasso, and it never works well... All of the pieces you have chosen are gorgeous. Those chairs!! I cannot wait to see it all come together.

The Glam Pad

14. Elisa of Fancy Free Me said...

That rug is going to pop with your white walls! So excited to see it. LOVE!

15. Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

That rug!!! and a gum ball machine??!!! FUN!

16. Erin said...

DUDE. Do you have any junky furniture? Like, anything not 1st Dibs worthy?

Just sayin.

17. Tobe | BIA said...

@Erin BEST. COMPLIMENT. EVER. and yes, plenty. it just doesn't make it into photos :)

@Albertina I should do a post on all of my methods sometime. Hopefully I can help.

18. sheerserendipity said...

Love all the brass going into your store. I would definitely gold dip that gum ball machine! So fun!

19. said...

That is the best way to polish the details and can't wait to see more! xo Kristin

20. Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

I was already excited for this room, and then you said gumball machine. Genius.

21. mrs. V | Chez V said...

brass dipped gumball machine. dying. dead. from love.

22. Reichel Broussard said...

The hardware looks amazing now. And wow. Gumball machine. So awesome!

23. StagerLinda said...

Love the rug and the gumball machine. Brass looks great--thanks for the tip.

24. Tiffany said...

I love it all and I'm wondering why I don't have a gumball machine in my life. Tragic.

25. said...

Any progress is great progress!!!! I can't wait to see that dresser, as I know my socks will come off!! I'm a link up, so I know how you're feeling, albeit without the added pressure ;-)

26. Lily L-M said...

A gumball machine?! Amazeballs. Keep up the good work, can't wait to see what's next!

x Lily

27. kate@willowinteriors said...

A brass gumball machine?? Perfection! Especially from the brass queen! Love everything here!

28. Unknown said...

You had me at BRASS! I love love it all! Loving your design idea! Love following you on all social media!!! GREAT WORK! :) Lance @ Parker Kennedy Living

29. Rebecca { MyDarlingHouse} said...

Am swooning over those Milo chairs! And a big big yes to a brass gumball machine!

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