I happened upon the work of Australian artist Jessie Breakwell the other night while cruising Pinterest. It was one of those situations where I could not get to her site fast enough. Her work is a visual feast! I literally cannot choose a favorite.
I can't help but see these as the most perfect centerpiece ever ever ever for a nursery. Like, huge mural style. Of course, that's coming from a girl whose daughter's nursery is the scariest of menageries you'll ever see. Apparently babies and animals just go together for me.

images via Jessie Breakwell
Her nudes are pretty unique as well. Would be fun in a tiny offbeat restaurant.
Wow, she's amazing! I love how fun her work is and a little abstract! Could definitely be perfect for a nursery!
You always find really great artists. Thanks for introducing me to this work!
i have been obsessed with her stuff for a few years now. it's so special.
happy bday tomorrow!!
33 though. (facepunch)
i am a solid 10 years older than you.
Wow! that would be incredible in a childs room... have a happy birthday! 33 is a fabulous age :)
gorgeous stuff! happy happy birthday to one sweet lady! and yep, I'm 10 years older than you too. yikes!
Such great work, love all of the colors! Hope 33 is going swimmingly. I'll be there in January.
Amazing paintings, simple and eccentric
Love the bold bright raucous colors!
Loving all the colorfest! Happy birthday Tobe!!
The bold bright raucous colors give a person shine at the moment.
Wonderful whimsical art! You deserve one of these for your birthday! Happy Birthday and what a fab year you have had! Best wishes for an even greater one at 33! xoxo Nancy
I really love finding new art, this artist is great. I love the colours, and anything with animals is good for me ;)
Hope you enjoyed your birthday
Charlotte x
Love this! Happy early Birthday. You will look back and laugh at the fact this post ten years from now.
Looks great, I have the same Windsor chairs sin the kitchen.. I love the big potted fig trees too.. really great!! Have a great weekend!Living Room
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