type tuesday // lisa congdon

April 17, 2012

someone's been practicing their hand lettering, and it's rather awesome.
just a sampling:

visit lisa's blog for more of her extreme talent (note: she's posting an image per day for 2012! yippee!)


1. Lauren {Stylized Existence} said...

I love the "humility" one. Something we all need to remember... such a pretty, gentle reminder.

2. Unknown said...

I went to her etsy store and bought a print of a peacock. It will go perfectly with my desk which I'm stressing over accessorizing. Thanks Tobe! You the shit.

3. victoria | vmac+cheese said...

This inspires me to want to do something similar! Just a doodle a day or something.

First, I need at least another hour in the day to work on it! :)

4. Jessica said...

Those are awesome! Thanks for the intro, Tobe!

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