Hump Day Pop Quiz

July 24, 2013

You guys, I'm deliriously tired. These last few weeks have been such a complete blur, trying to accomplish as much as possible and still take it easy at the same time.

Note: That is a trick statement. Impossible feat.

I just don't have the will to blog some nights, you know? But instead of leaving you hanging today, we're just going to have a little quiz.

1. What do these two rooms have in common?

2. I want a (fake) Beni like everyone else, right? Maybe in Baby Reed's new walk-in closet, which I will then proceed to pretend is mine? Is that weird? (I blame this post from Ally for reigniting my lust....and instilling a lust for a camel leather couch on top of it.)

3. Since I am NOWHERE NEAR as ambitious as Jessica, I should just pull the trigger on this guy for my entryway, right? I've been eyeing it for a really long time.

4. I should also man up and just take on one more major task before bambino arrives. Namely, transforming my entryway into this (but with the greek key goodness in #3).

5. True or False: I am nesting like a mutha.

5. True or False: Some of you are straight cray for not entering to win one of Hannah's Eve of Destruction prints yet. Your odds are stupid good. Enter and send it to me, m'kay?

1) They both want to be my living room.
2) I kinda do.
3) Probably already ordered it.
4) Yes. But I should remember that my original tile floors and grout are going to look dirty as hell when everything else is crisp black and white.
5) That's the truth, Truth.
6) YES, you should enter, for the love!


Natalie {Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers} said...

I am ready for the nesting surge to set in, I am still in procrastination mode. Those first two rooms are awesome that is what they have in common. and I still want a Beni for Baby girls nursery, tried to order one from Rugs USA but of course it was sold out:(
Love the light fixture.

Bethany [at] Powell Brower Home said...

um i majorly failed this quiz. couldnt find a common ground in the first two pics - TRICK Question! lol. Second - that entry with the Ballard light is amaze. do it. muster the strength.

i am really dying to see the babys room. oy.

Sarah said...

Hang in there! My first was born at 37 weeks so it could happen...go see a Clooney flick and eat some spicy enchiladas. That's what did it for me.

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

Loved this post! It really made me smile as I was reading it ;)

FripperyVintage said...

Love the rug too. Goes perfectly with the leather sofa.

Albertina M. Cisneros said...

You are so funny!! The last few weeks are the worst...anxiety, stress, lack of many things....Take it easy...and rest as much as you can. The day will be here before you know it. Hugs and kisses!

Anonymous said...

Guilty as charged. Sorry. But not really..... xo

Unknown said...

Oh those last few weeks...know the neverendingness well...try to enjoy it though- the minute you're not preggers anymore, you'll wish you were...that's what always happens to me anyways:) As for the quiz...amazing rugs? Love the new fixture for your hall and yes on the fake Beni...I have that one and it's even better in real life.

victoria | vmac+cheese said...

JFYI, I got a fake Beni a couple weeks ago from Rugs USA...they're having a big sale!!

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

glad you went for the light! Its an awesome little fixture.

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