House Updates // Lately

July 31, 2013

We have been working hard around here, and some very fun things are happening.

First, behold Eric's b-e-a-utifully crafted bench, made from an old rafter that my cousin was keeping around for a someday project. I seriously go weak thinking about what the two of them could do if they combined forces. I mean, they could literally build anything. This bench makes me very happy.

That cabinet is brand new on the scene and is hiding copious amounts of baby stuffs that we don't require right away. We didn't reeeeeeeally need it, but it was so gorgeous and such a steal that I figured it would be one of those pieces I always regretted not snatching up. And so we did.

Our weather was seriously glorious over the weekend so we (and, of course, by "we" I mean Eric) took advantage and repainted the door to the garage. From a freakish turquoise (actually a very gorgeous color, just didn't read well in this dark space) to a crisp, classic black (Krylon's indoor/outdoor in satin finish). I'm still getting used to it because it's sooo different, but I love it. Other doors in the house need beware of my new infatuation.

Paint goes a long way, yo.

We also scored -- and I mean scored -- a new dining table. FINALLY. I was about to throw in the towel on this one and drop some serious coin. Luckily, my mom is the ultimate Craigslist stalker and spotted this beauty before I had to do any such thing.

It's not in perfect condition, but I didn't expect it to be for the price. So we will eventually need to do a little sanding and staining. But it's the size I was looking for, has a beautiful ebony finish, an interesting pedestal base, and will expand when we need it to (but stays round! Yessssssss!!!). Now I feel like I can make some real decisions on the dining room. Gosh, if I can get that room together, only the entry and family room will remain.

Speaking of the entry...

It's going dark. Not quite black, but very very close. I'm leaning towards BM's Soot. This from an acid green (the previous owners really liked their green), which is actually not a bad color at certain times of day but horror film green in artificial light. There really isn't much wall space in this entry, so it won't be overwhelming, and will look quite crisp with all of the white trim. I hesitate juuuuust a little as it makes its up the stairs and into the second floor hallway. Will be pretty dark. But I figure that gives me every reason to start collecting and just fill the walls with family photos and art!

The original 1960s entry flooring will be addressed someday....but not for awhile. Our new fixture (discussed last week) has arrived and will go up soon. Woop!

The nursery is super close to completion as well. I'm making the final calls on a few loose ends and then I will show you the goods, I promise. I cannot wait to show you the before and after! Especially the closet. I mean, you won't even recognize the space from before! It will definitely blow ya minds.

Naturally, I made Eric paint the drawer knobs gold. What else would you expect from a brass addict?


Natalie {Designer Bags and Dirty Diapers} said...

Girl you better believe there will be brass up in our nursery. That bench is ridic your hubs is very handy. Mine can hardly mow the yard. Love the drak entryway it will look great!

Anonymous said...

Love it all, Tobe! You are definitely in the nesting phase, but doesn't it feel so good to get all that done?!

Unknown said...

This looks absolutely gorgeous! That bench is glorious, and I just love your style! The colour on your walls by the entry way is beautiful, and I adore how you haven't stayed away from a dark colour and made it really bright. I think the dark colour would make it look more expensive and rustic. Absolutely gorgeous. Can't wait to see more (:

Stacey Day said...

Love that table! Also, what did you use to paint the knobs? I am working on my daughter's room and need to do the exact same thing with the dresser knobs we are using.

VL - victoriaINkansas said...

I'm afraid I'm going to need some more explanation about how the table expands and still stays round. FASCINATING.

Amy @ Yellow Hammer Design Shop said...

Love it all, that bench is amazing. Where is your artwork from? If you don't mind sharing :)

Martyna said...

I love that wooden bench on the first picture, amazing! xx


Tobe | BIA said...

@Ashley YES, it definitely does! Just hope I can accomplish most of it before bambino, because I'm sure I won't be doing much after.

@ohkalukalay Thank you!!!

@Stacey We used Rustoleum Specialty Metallic spray paint in Metallic Gold. LOVE the finish.

@Amy Jessica from The Aestate was kind enough to send the prints when she went larger in her new house. I am obsessed with them!!!

Thank you all for the kind words! ox

Algodão Tão Doce said...

Olá amiga, lindas inspirações,belas imagens!!!
Um doce abraço, Marie.

Emily said...

I can't wait to see the dining table after it's refreshed and styled. So cool to hear that your mom ended up finding one for you on Craigslist.

Naomi@DesignManifest said...

ooo love the updates! Yay for you and your incredible finds. I especially love that cabinet.

emily said...

fun updates! love that's the bench of my dreams. I have the same legs as yours...just waiting on the perfect piece of wood. gorgeous!

Alexa said...

Naturally they are gold! I did that with Mila's dresser...makes such a difference!

celine{aquahaus} said...

Wow, so many awesome updates! Very exciting. Can't wait to see the nursery!

Elisa of Fancy Free Me said...

Things are looking great! Love the back door. And congrats on your CL score. I never have the patience for that. And i know i've said it before, but i'm so excited to see your nursery!!

Laura said...

I'm in love with the bench, it's beautiful!! And I think the cabinet was definitely a good purchase. I can't wait to see the nursery!

Erin said...

Everything is looking ridonk! I think the dining table is going to kill with those stupid (give them to me) amazing dining chairs you have.

Great work, nesting hormones!

Leah said...

so impressed with the bench! love it and everything you've got going on right now. I want that table too!

Unknown said...

The bench and that table!! Tobe for the WIN y'all. God the place is looking freaking fab. Can't wait to see the nursery - I just know it's gonna be the coolest baby pad in blogland... x

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