Interiors // Rue Magazine

May 9, 2013

First, I have to say that you guys are ridiculously awesome for your comments/insta comments yesterday. Hi-larious. Sectionals all around!

Second, I am obsessed with this feature in the latest Rue Magazine. And not just because Julie Pierce's place is totally nails (which it definitely is). More, I absolutely love every single word of her interview. I freak out all the time about how long it's taking me to decorate our house. I mean, it's been almost a year and a half and we still don't have a dining room table (or a sectional). That is, we don't have THE dining room table. Julie's wise words ease my anxiety....Not to mention the "final product" that is her home. Pretty amazing, if you ask me.

In some respects, it's frustrating to be so particular about what I put in our home. Why can't I just settle for good enough? Or good enough for now? But what it ultimately comes down to is what you and I both already know...I venture to guess that we all get great, great joy out of surrounding ourselves with things that we love, right? And I love unique pieces that tell a story. Lucky for me, most of the time those things are extremely reasonably priced so the benefit of my patience is twofold. Sweet!

However, it might take another year and a half to finish. Not so sweet. I guess I don't know what I'd do if I were ever "done" anyway...start over? Anyone out there ever finish their home? Tell us your secrets!!

Happy Friday, all! ox


1. Proper Hunt said...

I know how you feel! We've been in our house for almost 5yrs and its STILL not 'done'. I'm totally with Julie on waiting for the pieces that you love. Don't need to be wasting money on stuff that's just 'okay'. Btw, her place is siiiiick. I wanna move in ;)

2. Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

Sister I've been in our house for 7 years and I'm still not finished. The hunt is part of the fun! :) Loved that article too btw.

3. Unknown said...

Reading this post has made me relax a little - I too live in a semi finished, constantly evolving home. I often put myself under pressure to get more done but after reading your post I feel more at ease about taking my time. The enjoyment is in looking around, visitng shops and markets as well as finding that great table or lamp. Great post...thanks xx

4. My Interior Life said...

You're never finished. I feel like I hoard cool pieces sometimes even if they don't really fit. So, I need to sell some!

5. Jennifer @ Belclaire House said...

I'm pretty sure our house will be done when Edward is in high school and by then my tastes will have changed so I'll want to redo it and sell it. My husband is really good at making me wait for things (rude), but in the end I'm glad we took our time :)

6. Unknown said...

I can relate to every single word!! and these pictures are gorgeous
I am having the hardest time right now because the possibility of us moving keeps crippling me from moving forward and continuing to finish our current house, which is already hard enough...grrr. I started painting our kitchen when I was overdue with Aria - and the paint can and painting supplies are still sitting in the same place in the corner of the kitchen...she was born 8 months ago. [oh my gawd that is so sad when i see it out loud hahaha]

good things take time!! and your house is friggin GOOOOD!

7. Unknown said...

Great place! I think a home should evolve over time so don't worry about getting it perfect all at once. Think about the old English country estates it took generations to get the look.

8. my favorite and my best- MFAMB to you said...

i'll never be finished bc i change my mind on what i want too much. but i would like to get to a place where i can live with it for a while. i'm not even there.

9. Unknown said...

Trust the time you're done, you are over what you did and want to start all over again - at least that's how it seems to be for me...don't think I'll ever be done! On a positive note, I absolutely LOVED this feature...that shot with the lavender and fashion art kills me- so so gorgeous.

10. {The Design Daredevil} Jessie D. Miller said...

I need to read that article! I am out of control with my spending on the new apartment. I have SO MUCH PRESSURE on myself. I often doubt decisions because I'm worried about what people will think when I should just do what will make me happy

11. Unknown said...

We've been here for nearly 3 years now and it's no where near complete. And I'm already considering changes on the stuff I just did 2 years ago. It's an ever-evolving space and I never regret passing on something that's just 'okay for now' - it's worth the odd splurge but I feel pretty damn good about some pieces I waited on to score. Loved that article too and the place is just amazing. xxx

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