Artist // Starla Michelle

May 1, 2013

Super beautiful pieces by oil painter Starla Michelle. Love her use of color and form.

Starla Michelle

Especially smitten with those bird paintings. Helllllloooo, Peacock!


1. Sadie + Stella said...

Totally lovely!!

2. said...

Those are beautiful! Love the peacock!

3. Unknown said...

the rooster reminds me of this painting i saw in a gallery on key west. loved it then, love it now!


4. Chelsea said...

Love the color and the texture of the oil paints! I am always excited when you share artwork over here! xo

5. Unknown said...

Oh man, they are freaking STUNNING. Love the colour. Love peacocks. Yum. xxx

6. Jessie May said...

I am in love with the peacock. So gorgeous.

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