One Room Challenge // Week 5

October 29, 2014

Oh man, you guys. Before we get into One Room Challengeness, can I just say ROYALLLLLLSSSSSSSSS!!!! Our city is blanketed in blue right now. All blue everything! It's amazing.

Moving on.

Down to week 5 of the challenge.

To recap:
Catch up with the starting point for my master bedroom in week one.
Peep rug, paint color and Ikea dresser inspiration in week two.
See the adjusted plan with a great vintage score in week three.
And peruse lighting, fabric and hardware options in week four.

I was expecting a relatively drama free week five report. And then this arrived.

Quite nice, but that is not a sconce. Which, hey, wrong item. You return it and get your new goods and all is well. Except that it's preeeeeetty late in the game and I must remind you that they only had white sconces in stock. So they need to be painted black and installed before this weekend's photo shoot. Here's hoping the situation has actually been rectified and I get what I ordered this time or I'm in trouble.

In other news, I did get the correct bench fabric and dresser hardware.

Went with the Dodie fabric from Ballard Designs and I. Am. In. Love. I want to reupholster all of the things! Also quite smitten with the hardware results. They're smaller than they were in my head (despite measuring), but that's probably good. You can find all of my favorite hardware options here.

A little sneaky peek of said hardware on the sassy white Malm Ikea dresser:

Ava clearly approves. Definitely no pinched baby digits in our future.

There are still art decisions being made. Originally, I wanted a pretty tight neutral palette so the rug would really sing. (I always love the look of this when I see it elsewhere. Very chic.) But then I came across this special treat over the weekend and I couldn't resist. The palette really complements the colors in the rug, so I'm thinking it could possibly live in our room.

Hard to pass up, right? Neutral with one exception? Pretty sure I will make the call about 10 minutes before the photographer shows up.

I think that's all I have for you guys. I know we originally discussed giving the shoe barrister a makeover, but it was my late grandfather's and I just can't bear to make any changes. Had it been a miscellaneous find, I would be all over it, but I can't bring myself to do it.

Bringing the big guns next week. Hope you guys come back for the big reveal! Thanks for all of the kind comments, support and valuable feedback up to this point. It really makes all the difference.

Time to visit our friends:

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Lisa @ Shine Your Light said...

Ooooh I'm loving the hardware, it glans up the Malm and is such a great touch! Your model is pretty cute too :) Looking forward to seeing your room next week!

kate@willowinteriors said...

Ugh...good luck in the sconce dept. And that painting is the perfect compliment to your rug. BTW, Ava is adorable, as are your new handles! Good luck this week! Can't wait to see pretty pictures (and truthfully, I can't wait to be done;))!

sheerserendipity said...

Looking good! I love the fabric for the bench and hardware for the dresser. That is a beautiful painting, it goes so well with the rug, you definitely can't go wrong if you use it in the room. Can't wait for the reveal!

Unknown said...

That fabric and hardware are BLISS! Dresser looks amazing and love the art- definitely need to use that goodie! Most importantly, Ava is ADORABLE!

mrs. V | Chez V said...

I agree, the dodie fabric is aces in person - excited to see the end result. I walked away from a tufted ottoman in Dodie and have been kicking myself ever since. Hope the light sitch is rectified pronto! And congrats on your home feature!!

Dianne said...

Love the rug and think the painting will be just the jolt the room needs. It's going to be really good when complete. One of my favorites!

Unknown said...

Oh no! Bummer about the sconces!! I'm sure you'll make it work though! Love the dresser & hardware & dreamy Ballard fabric!

Albertina M. Cisneros said...

Ava is so big!! She is the cutest! I love Ballard design and that fabric is amazing! So are the pulls. Beautiful!! Good luck with the sconces. Fingers crossed you get the right ones quick!!

Jessie said...

Sorry to hear about your sconces situation, hopefully everything will work out in the end. I love the gorgeous fabric and hardware you picked!

Looking forward to see the reveal next week!


Abby M. Interiors said...

Ava is DARLING! I can't wait to see that fabric plastered everywhere. ;-) And that rug? Photographs so beautifully. I love it.

celine@aquahaus said...

The fabric is AWESOME. Sorry about the sconces. That's so annoying. I totally understand about not wanting to change things with sentimental value. Good on ya! And lastly, go Royals!! Everytime someone says "Royals", I have that Lorde song stuck in my head!

Erin said...

Ahhh lighting snafu! But everything else looks great!

Amy Cisneroz said...

Great choice on the hardware and that fabric is fantastic! I'm pulling for you and the lighting situation! Can't wait to see it all come together next Wednesday! Good luck!

waitingonmartha said...

Obsessed with the Ballard fabric!!! And oh joy week 5 is keeping us on our toes, isn't it? xo

designchic said...

Beautiful fabric, great hardware and love the colors in the artwork, but adore seeing your precious, Ava!!

Erin {House of Turquoise} said...

LOVE the painting with the rug, what a find!

And I hear you with the shoe barrister...I wouldn't be able to make changes to anything that special!

Jessie | The Design Daredevil said...

All I can think is....."Is that a leopard trunk in the first picture?"

Linda {Calling it Home} said...

Look at Ava, such a cutie. The hardware and fabric are for me. Such a bummer about the light. Hope it arrives.


Alrighty you are right....that is not a sconce! And that hardware! I am looking forward to this reveal:)

Susie @ Maddie G Designs said...

Ok, the fabric is awesome and love what you have done with the hardware. Good luck with the sconce....Don't you love little hiccups like this....cus you know we aren't already stressed enough.

Unknown said...

Loving your fabric choice, love the hardware (it reminds me of my kitchen cabinet pulls) and Ava is just the CUTEST THING EVER.

So sorry about that lamp masquerading as a sconce. Will keep my fingers crossed but I'm sure it will all work out in the end - I have faith!!


The Pink Pagoda said...

Awwww, I love getting to see photos of Ava! What a doll! I have several items that I'd LOVE to have lacquered and can't because of the same reason. This room is going to be incredible -- cannot wait to see it Wednesday!!

Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door said...

I've always wondered about ordering fabric from Ballard. Great to hear you love it. And Ava has great taste - the hardware looks fab. Can't wait to see the whole space!

Cleaners Clapham said...

You did a great job with the hardware!

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