One Room Challenge No. 4 // Fall 2015

October 28, 2015

You guys, I'm going to be honest. I'm so delirious right now, I have no business writing this post. Feel free to just cruise on by to the next ORC participant on the list this week. I won't be offended.

If you're just joining us and that somehow intrigues you, see the starting point and previous progress of my 6 week dining room makeover with week one, week two, and week three.

This is the week that things went wrong. But first, the positive news! Window treatments are up.

I'm still debating whether the bamboo shade will stay. I love the warmth it adds to the room, but wonder if the light fixture demands for the more formal feel of drapes alone? What do you think?

Art from sponsor Minted arrived!

DYING. I love them allllllll so much. Candidly, it's been awhile since my last art purchase from Minted. Super impressed with their current print options and frame quality. And you're talking to a real art snob here. (Left to right: Untitled 4 by Jaime Derringer, Gentle Embrace by Ilana Greenberg, and visionary 2 by Taleen Bedikian.)

My picks from sponsor Bellacor also arrived. My little fiddle is happy in her sweet seagrass basket next to the newly-shined Sarreid chest.

The not-so-fun news: there was some miscommunication with the custom window and it was never ordered. So we can cross that right off the to-do list.

Not awesome. But maybe a sign that we should do the french doors I've always dreamed of?!

Since Eric was out of town all of last week (read: my electrician/installer/carpenter was unavailable), that left the weekend to hash out our (final, I swear) plan for the built-in storage wall. I've settled on something low with shelving like this:

1 // 2

We'd originally planned an IKEA hack, but with a Lowes credit burning a hole in his pocket, Eric suggested that we do a custom build instead.


Except TIME. And DEADLINES. And no hammering after 8pm because baby.

But he got to work making a plan, so I'm going with it.

Here's hoping that arrow isn't pointing to the end of our marriage. He did get to buy new tools, so he can't be all mad, right?

The room is nowhere near ready and since I committed to a photoshoot for work in this space TODAY, I had to do a quick solve for the soon-to-be storage wall...which I'm actually pretty okay with looking at for the time being. These astrology prints (a generous gift from Jessica) normally live in our "formal" living room, but are perfect pretty much anywhere.

Let's all just pray that we Eric can get this storage unit in once the shoot is over tomorrow....and in time for any sort of final reveal.

Once done, I get to find homes for all of my new art and accessories. Yesssssss!

On to the next party:

Simplified Bee | Style Your Senses | A Thoughtful Place | Kimberly Whitman | The Zhush | TM by CIH

 Thanks to generous sponsors Farrow&Ball, Minted, Bellacor and Lowes for their help transforming our home!


1. SHERRY HART said...

Those first 3 images are all I need to see to know that all will be OK! Cause there is always styling when all else fails and we both know that goes a long way to cover up what didn't get done:)

2. Arielle said...

I LOVE the astrology prints there! Seriously, something about the gold print frames and the gold chairs frames is just really crushing it. Looking good!

3. ttwcreative said...

Take a breath - all will be fine. You are talented and have good taste, so half the battle is won already! Plus, the handy husband. :) So, I would say the wood blinds need to go, but if you find you need coverage, you can always use white matchstick blinds. I absolutely love that they are inexpensive, unexpected and add privacy that you need without dressing down a space. Good luck. All will be well. Trust yourself.

4. mrs. V | Chez V said...

Shooey, I feel ya sister. ORCs really have a way of spicing up married life, don't they?! Sending good luck to Eric with the build - I think new tools more than make up for all the nail biting, down-to-the-wire action. Sort of.

5. Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

The new tools should definitely help! :)

Can't wait to see it all come together!


6. Cristin // Simplified Bee said...

What a fab hubby! The tools should definitely help :)


7. InteriorGroupie said...

Ack!! 6 weeks is a seriously short time to do all this stuff...when you have a kid on the loose...and life in general :) I do agree that the light fixture goes with more formal drapes vs. the bamboo shade...but that's really not a big worry right now ;) Good luck with the rest of it (and thank god for a husband who is actually interested in partaking and contributing to said plan!)

8. Naomi@DesignManifest said...

Yes, love the shelving idea. I'ts going to be so great for display.
Oh and I crush those astrology prints so bad. Nice gift!

9. Linda {Calling it Home} said...

Oh wow, a man and his power tools should be good. My husband could not build a thing. I'm impressed. Hang in there.

10. Ivy Lane said...

Keep on keepin' on! You'll pull it all together! I have to say, I'm not feeling the bamboo shade with how crisp the walls, molding and light fixture look. My 2 cents. :)

It's all going to look amazing when you are done!

11. cassandra said...

I'm feeling your crunch pain! At least you have a hubby willing to help! I have a feeling it'll all come together!! All the elements are there and you have such beautiful pieces... (oh, but I say nay on the bamboo shade - it feels heavy? but maybe I need more context to really tell! trust your eye!)


12. Patricia Setvens said...

Great blog! Its a bummer about the custom window,same thing happen with a remodel I did last year grrr.

13. Megan // Honey We're Home said...

Hang in there girlie! What you've got going on already looks fantastic! No hammering after 8pm is making me think about what life will be like here soon! :) I'm due March with our second baby!

14. Vanessa@Decor Happy said...

Hang in there! (She says when her room isn't even painted yet) It will all come together. Love the shelving idea especially the second image with the thicker shelves. And although on instagram, I voted to keep the bamboo shades, I have now changed my mind and think it looks too busy. Good luck!!

15. Moroccan Pouf said...

love your posts!

16. Rachel said...

I just love your taste, hoping you start posting again soon! I'm about to re do my bedroom and I need some inspiration!

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