June 26, 2015

Art Inspired // Minted for West Elm

It's Friday, which means tomorrow is Saturday, and that is swell. The weekends have gotten pretty fun around here. Not because we do anything especially exciting, but because Ava is at that really amazing age where everything is fun. Looking at ants is fun. Getting sprayed with the hose is fun. Climbing up and down stairs one million times is fun.

You get the idea.

It's impossible not to love all of these things when an innocent tiny person insists that you enjoy them, too. I love seeing the world through that kiddo lens. Changes everything.

None of this has anything to do with today's moodboard. Except that Ava is pretty, and this office would be pretty, too.

Getting out of the blogging game has me really off my home decor shopping game, too. What are some of your current favorite sources? I need some new places to stalk! ox



  1. Amazing rug! Somehow, Anthro fell off my radar for awhile (crazy, I know). I'm always so inspired by everything they do!

  2. That rug is gorgeous. I love reds in a room. They just brighten everything up and make it seem so much warmer.

    And happy to see you back blogging. I haven't been back here in a while as I'd noticed you'd stopped, but hope to see you doing more soon :) It's definitely a commitment, though, that many of us just don't have regular time for.


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