June 24, 2015

Loving Lately // 06.24.15

So...I'm just going to sneak a post in here and pretend that it hasn't been months since the last one. And a year before the one before that. Cool? And since I'm not really sure what one blogs about when they've fallen off the blogging wagon, we're just going to start with a round-up of things I'm loving right now, in no particular order. Because that used to be what people came here to see.

Let's see if we can't ease back into this blogging thing and make it stick this time...

First up, Amber Interiors.

images via Amber Interiors


Her aesthetic was always on point, but it has just gotten better and better through the years. And I love seeing that her shop has grown into a brick and mortar. She is a serious force to be reckoned with, that one.

And because that cool, fresh California style is rubbing off on me (naturally), I went right out and found these beauties from another favorite: HomeGirl Collection.

The name itself is enough to draw you in, no? I love people that don't take themselves too seriously. Definitely keeping an eye on Erin's shop for the perfect pair of indigo pillow covers to add to the growing collection.

Lookin' mighty fly next to Ava's new [old] peacock chair and our white sofa protection from Furb.

Speaking of that angel baby, she's not such a baby anymore. We're coming up on the big #2 in August. Craaaaazy. While I'm not sure when it's time to actually transition to a big girl room, I can't help but start to dream up how her space should look and function. (I've heard to leave them in the crib as long as humanly possible...you know, like until they can escape on their own.)

Per usual, my inspiration file is a hot mess of styles.

 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

What WILL she love most?

That's all I got. Let's talk again soon. ox


  1. Coming up on #2 in August made me, "Whuuuuut!?!? Did I miss an announcement about baby #2?" And then my brain thought about how cute that is that they would be exactly 2 years apart because Ava was born in August (and in between the words of that thought I thought about how I haven't even noticed that you're expecting.)

    And then I was like, wait. Ava was born in August. That means she'll be 2. Coming up on #2. The age. Not number of children.

    And that's a peek inside my brain. Happy Wednesday. Fun to see a blog post from you. :)

  2. Beautiful home. I really liked the beautiful black & white printed pillows. I use state pillows by Catstudio to decorate my home. It is hand embroidered and very beautiful. The colors used in your design are very beautiful.

  3. Nice to have you back in whatever form (or quantity) my dear! Can't believe Ava is coming up on 2?! WHAT? Loving your inspiration for her room and ughh YEAH Amber Interiors is just freaking amazing. xxx


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