August 6, 2015

Inspiration // A Hallmark photo stylist's home

So I don't mention this a lot --

Okay, let's be real. I don't mention anything a lot due to my on again off again blogging schedule.

-- I work for Corporate America. And (gasp) I kind of love it. For some reason, I feel like those are words you're not allowed to say in blogland. I know there are a lot of us full-timers out there, but most don't talk about it. And I guess I've never really had a reason to either, because what I was doing for so many years (design/typography/hand lettering) didn't always relate to what I talk about here (interiors). But -- lucky me! -- those worlds have started to combine.

You see, I blog for a living now. And I get to talk about the most unbelievably talented people all day everyday. Mostly about their work, their craft, and the gorgeous products they create for our company. But sometimes I get to talk about their homes. Which is, of course, the very best part of the job for me.


Enter Andy. He's a wildly talented photo stylist for Hallmark, which is clear from the moment you step foot into his beautiful home. He's warm, gracious, and it feels like you've known him forever from the first moment you meet. To me, his home really reflects his personality. It's one of the most enchanting spaces I've ever been. Truly. (Like, I sent him a thank you note for the wonderful photo shoot when it was technically just part of my job to be there. It's all that charming.) I couldn't help but snap one thousand pics during our shoot, but you should definitely check out all of the real deal photos (by the same Jane Kortright that has shot my own home on numerous occasions) and hear the story behind the details of Andy's stunning abode over at Think.Make.Share.

See allllllll of the Hallmark home tours to date here. That should help you kill a couple hours on this fine Friday. Don't say I didn't warn you. ox


  1. WOW! You are one lucky girl to see this home yourself. Gorgeous.

  2. oh my gosh! he is so charming! love seeing all this beauty in KC :)


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