December 20, 2011

house guest || veranda interiors

hey, all! apologies for the silence yesterday. too much fun over the weekend + a lot to cross off my list yesterday left me a bit crunched for time. but i'm making up for it today (well, indirectly) . . . my last house guest for the amazing guester series is melissa of veranda interiors. i'm a broken record at this point, but i never miss anything melissa says. or shows. because it's always ridiculously chic. plus she legitimately knows a thing or two, and i like knowing people that are smarter than me. this is especially true when it comes to kitchens, my immediate association with melissa and her mean talent. so that's what she decided to focus on today, and i am pumped to see what advice she will bestow on this new kitchen of ours . . .

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Hey everyone, my name is Melissa from Veranda Interiors, and if you don't know me one thing you need to know is I am addicted to kitchens. When Tobe asked me to participate in this series I was so excited and honored! I thought it would be perfect to do up her kitchen for her if it were my own. Now she already has a great space, but how can we update it, make it her, without breaking the bank? Well follow me for a little journey...

 {1} White subway tile to replace the existing backsplash, but take it one step further by carrying it around the window above the sink, also around the the entry to the right of the fridge, from floor to ceiling, it will be nicely framed by the crown at the ceilings and the casing around the passage way.

Since there are great Absolute Black granite counter-tops already installed lets bring it together by using a black grout rather than the typical white/cream grout, make that tile POP! The images above are great examples of that.
{2}   Next up is the fridge, kinda obvious in the image above. It appears to be a standard depth fridge (35" deep) which can really encroach in the the space, so I would love to see a new counter-depth (24" deep) stainless steel option replace it in the future. One of my favorite brands for a good 'bang for you buck' is Kitchen Aid, something like the Counter-Depth French Door one below would be perfect!

 {3}  Next up is new hardware, an easy way to update the cabinets without forking over a large chunk of cash. I would love to see a beautiful polished chrome replacement for everything. And no, it is not hard to keep clean, I went with polished chrome throughout our home and even with 2 little boys it is just as easy as a brushed finish to maintain.

So with 3 simple changes in the kitchen I know it would bring it up to date and it will reflect a style that Tobe would love. But...I can't forget about the 4th thing, the fan that is above the kitchen table in this image below.

While it may be practical lets face it, it isn't a WOW fixture, and this is something that a stylish lady like Tobe needs. Here are a few of my favorite picks for a light in this area.

So, Tobe, when can we get started?? I don't know about you guys but I am thrilled to see this talented lady put her mark on this is going to be stunning! Mel xo

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melissa, i am pretty obsessed with all of these calls. i've made some very similar assessments, much to the chagrin of the hubs. i am most certainly down with the subway tile (hadn't even considered dark grout, which would be both beautiful AND practical); i've already started scoping out a new fridge; the knobs aren't terrible by any means and would probably be last priority but i do believe that a little bit of glam would go a long way; and eric was not the happiest when i said that the perfectly good fan would be departing. because it's gotta. but i need a wow chandy in that dining room first!

i hope you guys have enjoyed my house guests as much as i have.
i highly recommend stalking visiting each of their blogs as regularly as i do.

now you'll have to put up with me again :)


  1. Love all the lighting choices. Beautiful. Great post!

  2. Oh I want to add all those fixtures to my hypothetical home I dream of (loft renting..) x

  3. Loved all of your house guests, but I'll be glad to have you back!


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