December 21, 2011

interiors || luxe and warm

well, we're in the final stretch, folks. are you ready for christmas? seeings how i have yet to purchase my holiday stamps and get my christmas cards out (even though they've been addressed for weeks), you can tell i'm totally on point this year.

i did take some time to put together a little wish list over at savvy home with many gorgeous items that are sure to make their way under my tree . . . in my dreams. come by to see what i'm lusting over!

something else i've been lusting over in an unnaturally big way lately is fur. fur fur fur. i want it on everything, and i'm successfully finding ways to sneak it into every room of the house.

a girl's gotta have priorities, you know. nevermind that we should be saving pennies for a new fridge, furniture for G's room, a dining table, anything for the formal living room . . . nope. i just want fur.

images via lonny magazine, photography by patrick cline

* to be clear, we're only talking faux fur in this house!

* also, yes, G might be getting a faux fur bean bag for her room. she wants a bean bag + she wants i want fur = double win!


  1. Lady, you're so speaking my language...I'm in the middle of a giant fur addiction:)

  2. UM, that first image? WOW. Pure bedroom perfection in my world. I need some fur in my life now!

  3. Whoa Nelly there is so much goodness in this post. Everything is just gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous! I'm in LOVE with that first image too, and I'm also loving the corner shot of the living room in the highrise.

  4. Tobe I cannot even express how much your style is just so similar to mine. I'm sitting here in disbelief that you've chosen so many images I often analyze to get to the bottom of what would make me happy with my darn living room...and one of the answers? FUR! So I decided to just go for it and buy a bunch of fur pillows at Restoration Hardware to throw about ever so casually on our enormous black hole of a sectional. Also found a few (spotted leopard and mink) at Target of all places! They actually provide just enough pattern to really make it all pop. So I'm feeling pretty good right about now with the progress! And just found the best inspiration on Design Darling for that big piece of art to go above the excited about getting this darn room done next month!!

  5. I'm currently obsessed with a new faux fur throw I got at Restoration Hardware! Fur adds so much character to a room. Love all these!

  6. Oh wow... please forgive me while I pin every single one of these to my pinterest board!

  7. Such gorgeous spaces! That first bed looks so comfy! xo

  8. Well, who's not going to crave fur when you post these stunning images! ;)


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