December 2, 2011

house guest || parlour

today's house guest is - you guessed it - another fave. i'd been reading nichole's blog for some time and then imagine my delight when, just a few months ago, she announced a move back to kansas city! unfortunately, we haven't had a chance to connect yet, but i've loved following her progress as she decorates her gorgeous new abode, and am in high hopes that we can make that coffee date happen very soon!

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Hi all!  This is Nichole from Parlour, and I'm here to help Tobe and give you your design fix while she is in the midst of packing and moving.  First off, I want to congratulate Tobe on finding a fabulous new home for her to love and make her own. I know what a long process it was for them to find "the one," and I'm so glad they did! Second, although, this might be a touch on the feminine side for Miss T, I thought this might make a lovely looking starting point for a room in her new home.  A little modern, a little glam, a little boho.  We got it all in there!  Hope it gives a little inspiration for those empty rooms. Thanks so much for having me T.  So happy for you all!  Bring on the pics!

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thanks, nichole! pics are coming soon!!

hope you guys are feeling as inspired as i am this week! huge thanks to all of the ladies that offered to stop by. you won't be sorry for paying them all a visit from time to time. next week features even more of my favorite bloggers, so make sure to pop in! ox


  1. What a gorgeous collection of creamy colors and boho glam. Love it.

  2. Awe another fabulous space! So hard to choose which I love more! AMAZING!

  3. t-

    Thanks so much for having me! Coffee soon. Definitely!

  4. I love this moodboard! LOVE it! So fun to find another KC design blogger! We should all meet up sometime! Hope your move is going well!

  5. Wowza...I am loving this room! The art...that rug...come to mama!

  6. I ADORE that luscious grey/blue. What color is that??

  7. Where's the product list? I clicked on detail but it just took me to the olioboard mainpage. Looking for the source for that polka dot pillow, thanks!

  8. Love Nichole's stile. I had the same issue with the product list. I want more deets on the rug. It's gorgeous.

  9. Soooo sorry people! Me being the doofus I am forgot to PUBLISH the board so others could see it. Duh. Try the link now. Hopefully it should work. Sorry!!!!


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