December 5, 2011

guest post || gift guide for the typography obsessed

happy monday! a little break from the guester line-up today to let you know that i'm over at ampersand design studio this morning with my gift guide selections for the type obsessed. come check it out!

i planned to show you all a little sneak peek of the house today, too, but am without my lifeline (i.e. internet) until wednesday, so will have to prolong the suspense a bit longer . . .


  1. Can't wait for the house peeks!!!

  2. So excited to read your post on gift guide selections, I desperately need help! Also cant wait til Wednesday! Im off to Ampersand! :)


  3. Ooh! Can't wait to see peeks too :) Off to see your post now. Thanks for popping by today!
    Nancy xo


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