December 1, 2011

house guest || MFAMB

true to form, today's guest is another daily visit for me. jenny from my favorite and my best not only has absolutely impeccable taste, but she's equally hilarious to boot. i haven't missed a post since the fateful day i discovered her blog. if you've been there, you know why.

turns out, jenny also gets to brag about being the talented creator of my housewarming gift to myself (c'mon. that's allowed, right?). she's recently started selling paintings, one of which i am thrilled to have snagged. when jenny asked what room i wanted her to do a moodboard for, i knew immediately that she would own my new formal living room. and she wasn't allowed to leave out my new painting . . . happily, she also (instinctively) payed tribute to my new purple infatuation.

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thanks, jenny! looks like i have some shopping to do . . .


  1. Love the painting! xx

  2. Jealous of the painting you scored from her. It's perfection, from what I can tell. And color me surprised that she built a ridiculously amazeballs room around it. I'm lusting over the mix of that settee with an ikat pillow. Yes, please, and thank you.

  3. i am sorry i am just now getting over here to comment and say thanks.

    i will do a post tomorrow and link back here. the heathens needed a recap today.

  4. It looks fabulous, but that's no surprise with Jenny designing. I actually have one of those Milo Baughman armchairs and the brass garden seat. Maybe I'll just amend this a bit to fit my room. That painting is insanely good - might need to indulge and buy myself a Christmas present from her!

  5. gorgeousness! jenny always amazes me with her beautiful, unusual color palettes. once again, love.

  6. Yes yes yes to purple and pretty lady like surroundings! That rug is fantastic! And good for you - Jenny's art is so beautiful and will be a gorgeous addition to your new home!

  7. Absolutely STUNNING- not at all surprised- Jenny gets it right every time!

  8. I wouldn't expect anything less! It's lavish! I will be ordering a painting to...just waiting till next pay check to send her all the money! Gahhh so excited!

  9. yes! b/c it ALL really IS awesome!

  10. YESSSSSS! Love love love this moldboard; please tell me you're following instructions to the letter! I WANT you to have this room. I also WANT that painting! ;) Great job, J. And thanks for the intro to this fab blog! xo


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