November 30, 2011

house guest || vmac and cheese

continuing the new home party with some of my favorite ladies talking new home inspiration, we have victoria from vmac+cheese. i have to say, the day i found victoria's blog, i was absolutely hooked. the girl is down to earth, has an amazing eye, shares absolutely delectable recipes (that i'll definitely be trying when the moving dust settles) and - best of all - she's one of the friendliest bloggers i've ever had the pleasure to correspond with.

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Hi everyone! Victoria from vmac+cheese here, happy to be filling in for Tobe while she attends to all things new-house related. I know Tobe has been looking for a house for quite some time, and I am so thrilled that she's finally found a place to call her own! I can hardly wait to see the transformation over the next few months.

One tradition I can always get behind is the housewarming gifts. And let me be clear -- I mean gifts given to you by friends, or gifts you get for yourself! After all, moving is an excellent excuse to pick up a few fun new home accessories, am I right? Those extra touches are what make a house a home! 

Today, I wanted to share a couple ideas for things that would make great housewarming gifts. When I moved to my apartment a few years ago, I wanted to find a way to "remember" some of the previous places I'd lived. That's when I saw an image of framed vintage flashcards on Pinterest, and it gave me the idea to frame flashcards featuring my previous street addresses and meaningful dates in my life.

This would be a pretty simple DIY gift to give to someone, and would have a lot of meaning! Or, it'd be an excellent project to attempt on your own -- once you're settled in, of course.

If you're not up for a DIY project, there'd be nothing wrong with any of the following housewarming gifts either...whether for a friend or as a little gift to yourself!!

Happy Housewarming, Tobe!!!

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thanks so much, victoria! love the very personal art inspiration, and i think many of us would happily accept every single one of these gifties!


  1. I absolutely love the idea of framing vintage flash cards. I've been seriously on the hunt for inexpensive art ideas for our still-naked bedroom

  2. These are superb ideas from Victoria!
    Found you via vmac+cheese and am now following :)

  3. I just got a vintage bamboo tray like that in the came home with me. Not sure where I will be putting it yet :)

  4. Just found your blog via vmac+cheese. Love the flash card idea! It would look so cute in a kids room or home office!

    a dash of GLAM

  5. Thanks for having me today, T! In case anyone's wondering where to put an amazing brass faux bamboo tray like the one above...I have one that I use on a bar cart! How much more mid-century can you get???

  6. That's a great idea to frame the flashcards. I have a tram sign made with all of the street names of the places we have lived in since we married. It looks great and is a nice family thing to have.

  7. Looving that flash card DIY idea.


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