December 7, 2011

house guest || lark&linen

today's treat comes to us straight from canada. my sweet friend jacquelyn of lark & linen has been kind enough to stop by and give us some delicious inspiration of the housewarming (and dare i say holiday?) variety. i found jacquelyn's lovely corner of the web quite awhile ago, and have loved every single visit since. i adore everything about this girl; she's cool, calm, collected, and very obviously gives betty crocker a run for her money. my only regret is that i didn't buy a house just a smidge closer to her!

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While Tobe gets settled in her new home (three cheers for her!) I thought I'd help her hold down the fort over here on BIA. In light of our friends upcoming move, I've decided to showcase a few fun, and slightly different house warming gift ideas (which could also be translated into Christmas present ideas - 'tis the season and all that jazz).  If you're anything like me, the idea of showing up to visit a friends new digs empty handed leaves you feeling less than stellar. It's imperative to warm that house after all. I've rounded up a few gift combinations suitable to fit any budget, and hooray! now you no longer have to worry about that last minute scramble to the liquor store for that go-to bottle of wine (not to say that I don't thoroughly enjoy a good bottle of vino myself - but now you can really impress).

tres cute, no? told you she was good.
there's plenty more thoughtful inspiration over at lark & linen for you to peep should you be so inclined.


  1. Thanks for having me Tobe! Hopefully the move is going swimmingly - I can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. On that note, I now have the urge to take that cozy looking blanket and cuddle up on the couch...with a nice cup of tea (in one of those adorable tea cups) that has a spoonful...or two...of that delicious looking honey in it! :)

    Congrats on your new home Toby! How exciting!!

  3. This is seriously too cute! Great round-up…and happy to have found a new blog!

  4. Love the linen towels and that is my all time favorite soap !!


  5. Adorable guide. But I wouldn't expect anything less from the lovely Jacquelyn!


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