December 6, 2011

house guest || design me daily

welcome to another week of housewarming fun! after a big move this weekend, eric and i are slowly getting settled into our new place . . . and busy cleaning up our old one. thankfully, i'm lucky to have even more amazing ladies to stop by and entertain you. up today is the stylish sarah from design me daily. lucky me, i got to meet sarah in person several months ago when i visited the very fabulous city of chicago. she was sweet enough to spend a day introducing me to some of her fave spots, and even stuck around to discover some new ones with me. lemme tell ya, if you're into design and fashion, she's your girl.

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Hello BIA readers! I am so excited to be guest posting for Tobe, who is super busy making her new house look fabulous. I have never owned my own home but a girl can dream, right? 

Probably the most essential space in my future dream home is the office. I was going to choose closet, but let's be real, the office is the money-maker, while the closet is the money-taker. Office wins! And below are just a few of the inspirational images I've gathered to create my ideal work space.

Organization of your work space (especially when you're a freelancer) is key. And when you're a designer to boot, it has to be organized and pretty :) These items help accomplish both!

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7

Accessories add color and style to a work space. Useful items like cute notebooks and paper organizers help spruce up your desktop while helping you stay organized too.

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6

And what's more important to me than anything else? My butt. More specifically, the comfort of my butt while I'm working. There is nothing worse than a stiff chair with no cushion or space to change position every now and then. These chairs look so comfy and also super cute! (see the pattern here?)

1 // 2 // 3 // 4

Well, I hope my work space inspiration gave you all something to drool over! A big thanks to Tobe for letting me share my office delights today and good luck to Tobe and the hubs with the new house!

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thanks, sarah! no doubt your office trumps this inspiration tenfold! these are some amazing picks to consider for the new home office (for which i am thrilled to now have a dedicated room!).


  1. love that wee elephant! And so clever to use a spice rack for all the little bits - great post! Popping over to your blog..

  2. What a fantastic post... totally fantasizing about my home office someday... good luck getting settled! xx

  3. OMG so funny! "the office is the money-maker, while the closet is the money-taker" -- so true! My butt (and back) is pretty important to me too, hence my not-so-great-looking Herman Miller chair. Love how bright, happy and well-organized this post is! ;o)

  4. Thanks for all of the post-love :)

    I nearly fell off my chair (not quite as cute as the ones I posted here, but my butt ain't complainin') when I saw that spice rack on pinterest. it's brilliant!

    xo sarah

  5. Excellent post especially for people like me, I have a huge problem with the organization of workspace. Really liked the shelf number 4, very stylish and functional

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