December 8, 2011

house guest || josephine kimberling

today i am super thrilled to feature one of the sweetest and most genuine people i've ever had the pleasure to know. and one of the greatest talents i've ever had the honor of working with. lucky me! i have been in awe of josephine since the day we met, and i am constantly inspired by her creative talent and determination to be and have exactly what she wants in life. knowing josephine, i can tell you that this is just the tiniest glimpse of how her amazing mind works.

happily, this time the inspiration is all about me :)

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I absolutely LOVE wallpaper and am NOT afraid to use it! The more color and pattern the better in my eyes! And the more intricate and artistic the better. Flocking? Metallic? Sign me up! In addition to the home solution of an accent wall of color, give me an accent wall of wallpaper and surrounding walls in a color that makes the wallpaper 'sing'. I've included quite an array of different papers here, from slightly subtle to in your face beautiful! Photographic, digital & murals from my favorite companies.

Velocity Art & Design: Field Poppies by Amy Butler
Velocity Art & Design: Temple Tulips by Amy Butler

Flavor Paper: Timborana by Rex Ray
Flavor Paper: Bucote by Rex Ray
Flavor Paper: Cocobolo by Rex Ray

Design Public: Inhabit Wall Flats-Chrysalis
Walnut Wallpaper: Cut-Out-Lace by Vivienne Westwood

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ummm . . . i don't know about you guys, but i'm speechless.
and i spy some papers that might be perfect for a powder room redo . . .
thanks, josephine!


  1. Oh my, there are some true beauties here! And such bold options too. You've got plenty of powder room inspiration here Tobe!

  2. Oh there is just SO much goodness here. Their samples are super affordable too. I kind of want to order a bunch and make some kind of art piece out of it. I especially love Forest Leaves and Blazing Poppy!

  3. Gahhh I wish I could wallpaper every room....overkill right???

  4. Oh geez, these are incredible! What a fabulous post. So many ideas here. Thank you!!!

  5. Wow, I'm feeling so inspired!! These definitely AREA awesome! (I especially love the metallic designs.)

  6. wow, stunning!! love those wall art pieces in white. visiting from vmac!

  7. I have been a long time love of that Ferm living's just so absolutely gorgeous! And all the others are making me curse our rental even more...(c: Have a great weekend, Tobe!


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