December 9, 2011

house guest || in a state of luxe

today we are in for a treat. we're being whisked away by my favorite wanderlust go-to, kim of in a state of luxe. if you're the type that likes to take a few minutes for yourself in the middle of the afternoon (not guilty at all), i say you do like i do and pay her a visit. i tell you, every locale she posts is exactly where i'd like to be. she finds the most amazing spots in the world. turns out, she also has a talent for interior design as well! double whammy.

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Hi! Kim here from South African interiors & wanderlust blog In a State of Luxe.  I know that Tobe has had a chaotic time of late what with the move and plenty else on the go.  No time screams for a holiday quite like when you're surrounded by piles of boxes that seem to never diminish no matter how much unpacking you do. So I thought that we'd take Tobe and her family on a fantasy holiday.  Tropical island, clear blue waters, first class service and perfectly warm sunny days….let's go!

We know she's pretty exhausted so let's not make the journey even more tiring (see left).  
It makes so much more sense to fly private, no?

Once they've settled into their over-the-water oasis and explored the island, it's time to dive straight into that deep blue sea….

…followed by a lot of lolling about both in and over the water...

There's no shortage of something refreshing to quench any thirst…
..and lunch would be a languid affair…fresh seafood, crunchy salads and a feast of flavors

For a change in routine, the occasional day out on the island's private boat would be fun

And as the sun sets and the moon rises there'd be plenty of time to reflect on another day in paradise

So by the day it's time to hop onto the seaplane back to the mainland to catch her private flight home, 
she'll be on top of the world…

Tobe, I hope at least this imaginary escape has allowed you to transport yourself momentarily into another world...just enough to give you that burst of energy you need to finish the unpacking and start on the fun stuff...the interiors.  Good luck and we can't wait to see the results!

Hut Over Water - unknown 
Evening Dress on a Sea Plane

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just the right way to get your weekend off to a great start, no?
huge thanks, kim, for stopping by!

i feel like i should pinch myself for getting to say it, but i have even more guests for you next week.
and a house update. might as well get those before pics going :)


  1. Really amazing way to start the weekend! I am totally going to check out her blog! xoxo

  2. Well now I don't want to do anything Christmas-y at all but go on a vacation for myself! Great photos!

  3. Such a gorgeous post- can I go there please???


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