September 15, 2011

interiors || lacquered walls

yes. i'm talking about our house hunt. again. though we still haven't found a winner, hubs and i did check out a great 60s ranch last night that kind of stole my heart. it had great potential for expansion (the master bath was not impressive as-is, but totally liveable until we could afford to make changes down the road), and it featured the coziest wood paneled tv room in all of history. fireplace, great built-ins and giant windows along one whole wall. i, of course, suggested that it would be totally badass to paint the entire room in a rich blue lacquer. which scored me some sideways glances from hubs and our realtor, who was so intrigued that he requested photos.

which he liked.

of course.

if i liked red enough, the latest lonny mag would have had me dreaming of something like this:

even though the owners were crafty enough to bake an apple pie during our visit, this one was ultimately crossed off the list.* i have to say, i highly, highly recommend that trick if you're selling. the three of us wanted nothing more than to break out some silverware and stay awhile!

* great location for me, not so much for husband's commute. t'was also on a pretty high traffic street. and calling one of the rooms a bedroom was a bit of a stretch. but we're getting closer!

image sources: 1  ||  ||  3  ||  4  ||  5&6


  1. Yes I totally pointed out that red room's walls to my husband! They are super cool.

    I think the navy/cobalt walls are really elegant in a high gloss. We don't have the kind of architecture that it would make sense out here. Too new. Well, maybe in a cool mid-century modern home it could work?

  2. I will keep that in mind with the apple pie.. I did cookies before our open house!! But with fall, the pie will be great!! I can't help but wonder what all of these houses look like since we are looking, too!!

  3. ooooh - sending you the mls now, michelle!

  4. Those navy walls looks so chic in the gloss. Erika is right though, the furniture will make it work. such a great look

  5. You need to tell those boys that you are a designer and every idea you have will be fab and they aren't allowed to have any input. the end.

  6. awww hang in there. We are in the same house-less place. Hopefully, we both will find the perfect one....and SOON!

    p.s.- LOVE the lacquered walls. Definitely a do!

  7. The lacquered walls are fab! Best of luck with the house hunting :)
    Abbey x

  8. Holy apple pie! :) Those walls look delicious though, ssssseriously! I would want to swim to the television set every.single.time I walked thru that lacquered sleek and shiny deliciousness! xox!


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