September 13, 2011

type tuesday || ira glass on perservering

a little different spin on type tuesday today . . . some motivation for the beginners, and a healthy reminder for those that just aren't meeting their own expectations. we're hardest on ourselves, you know!

spotted via pink and blue blog


  1. Oh, how I loved that. Exactly the words I needed to hear. I love how he says that your taste is still there, but that you might be a little green. Also, as an avid NPR listener, I just love Ira's voice. It's like home. xo

  2. so true... thanks for the inspiration again!

  3. Close the gap! Love it! Love the words/type also! xox!

  4. such a great message and so important for all of us to remember! love that it hits home with so many blogstresses.

  5. That's a great message and what an interesting way to send present it.


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