September 19, 2011

happy anniversary!

we interrupt this regularly scheduled program to inform you that 2 short years ago TODAY, i married the most amazing man i've ever met. well, that i'm not already related to. i have to admit here that the whole wedding process was possibly a little much for me and if i had it to do all over again, i almost certainly would have run off and done it quietly and come back to throw one mean-ass party. i'm not going to lie, i'm pretty good at throwing parties.

but we didn't do that because there were some broken-hearteds that hated the idea. so we threw an $11K wedding that represented us well, complete with a B&B hilltop outdoor setting, authentic mexican cuisine from one of our favorite local restaurants, a patio reception with an unattended bar due to a language barrier with our authentic mexican "caterer," and 130 of our nearest and dearest partying with us until we were too tired to party any more. well, really until midnight, because that's when they had to leave. but i was tired by 2 pm, so it felt like i'd been partying for 100 hours.

so humor me as i share some goodness from that day. let me start with 10 seconds after the ceremony. that should just about sum it up.

photo by april alcorn

GOD, how happy do we look?!

no, but really. there were beautiful things going on, i swear.

photos by april alcorn and misha kligman

we hired a whopping three legit vendors (hence the pricetag), and DIYed the bejesus out of everything else. flowers? friends and fam. dj? ipod. i was up until midnight the night before finishing the mix. you'll be able to tell by how half dead i look here in a minute. caterer? el cheapo (but massively delicious) local restaurant. desserts? family. wedding cake? designed by two of my insanely talented friends. one of my best friends performed "on a night like this" by dave barnes when i came down the aisle, and it was everything i could do not to cry like a baby, i was so happy he agreed to do it. eric's dad married us. we had a photobooth situation going on, which doubled as our guestbook (total hit). the photog was a good friend from college, and the videographers we flew in from florida. because they were amazing. and it would have been a much cheaper wedding if we'd opted out of that, but my sentimental self couldn't leave it out. and i'll NEVER regret that decision.

here's why:

as you can imagine, my brother's toast stole the show. we're not really that close. jk, we're bfs. and he was my man of honor/entire bridal party. we bought eric's CK suit (a twofer deal - he has a matching one in charcoal and looks delectable in both, if i do say so myself) and since the other gentlemen had black suits, we just bought them ties and called it good. plus some pretty awesome manly gifts, of course.

anyway, the point is, two years later, i can't imagine my life without him. everyone says that, i know, but it's completely true. i really hope everyone knows what it's like to have a real, true, honest love in their lives. the kind that doesn't judge, doesn't hold you back, sees you and appreciates you for everything you are, is your perfect complement and just loves the hell out of you. i mean, eric really said it best a few years ago when we were discussing relationships and how amazing it is to find that one....he said "honestly? all of you (women) are crazy. it's just a matter of finding someone that can handle the right amount of crazy."

and so he did.


  1. Happiest Anniversary wishes on year number two! Your wedding looked lovely long haired Tobe! Enjoy the celebrations! xox!

  2. Happy Anniversary you two! :)
    I love this post and love everything about how in love you guys are! it was a beautiful wedding and is a beautiful marriage to match. love you guys!
    (totally crying--damn that videographer is good)

  3. I love how real this is! No one ever talks about how freaking stressful this stuff is. Happy happiest anniversary, it looks like it was an incredible day!

  4. Happy anniversary!!!

  5. The wedding looks absolutely gorgeous...what a fun cake ! And you look beautiful ! Love what you wrote about sweet!


  6. Happy Happy! It was a beautiful wedding and you guys did a fantastic job! That cool. And I still have our photo booth pics hanging from my bedside lamp. Every time LG comes into our room, he goes straight to the pics, points and says Mama! Dada! over and over and over and...Happy Anniversary!

  7. Happy Anniversary Tobe...your video is beyond beautiful- I'm sitting on my sofa with tears running down my cheeks- just so lovely. xoxo

  8. Ah, I love him! That is so true. But also true that we are lucky to have found what works for us, and it's not always perfect, but it's definitely "right."

    Love all the graphics of course!!

  9. Happy Anniversary you crazy love birds. That first picture is amazing, I hope you made it poster sized and framed it, or better yet made it into a canvas! He is just too cute. Your wedding looked amazing and WOW i can't believe you only spent that much. You are a DIY master!!! Incredibly impressed, mad skills my dear. Oh and that wedding video, I have racoon face from the tears, didn't realize i needed waterproof mascara for blogging today. :) cheers to the happy couple!

  10. I started cracking up after your commentary on the first photo. Hilarious. I have to say, when I get hitched, I'm tempted to do the 'run away' part followed by the 'big ass party' part after. Your wedding looks beautiful though. Happy Anniversary, kids!

  11. After you wrote about your veil today on my post I was dying to see your wedding pictures, so obviously, this made me very happy. You looked gorgeous, that cake is rad, and MOST IMPORTANTLY what is the trick to getting your talented friends to sing for you, craft, etc???

  12. thank you so much, ladies! despite my dry interpretation, it really was a very special day that i will never, ever forget. ox

  13. Love it Tobe! So glad you shared the video, it was truly beautiful! Happy Anniversary!! Hope you and Eric have a great one!

  14. tobe you are THE cutest thing ever! i love everything about your wedding! lucky groom + lucky guests! :)

  15. Fabulous and I love that you DIY'd so much of it! That first picture cracks me right up!

    Happy Anniversary! xxx

  16. GORGEOUS! this made me all sorts of happy xoxo

  17. Love the photos, you made such a beautiful bride! Happy Anniversary Tobe!

    ~ Cari

  18. Awww Happy Anniversary to you guys and cheers to many more wonderful years!

  19. Just discovered your beautiful blog via V Mac + Cheese and newly following! Lovely photos (and I love that you started things off with that first pic!) Happy Anniversary!

  20. You are gorg, your wedding was gorg, and that top photo of you two makes me laugh so hard - love it! Happy anniversary!


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