August 23, 2011

Type Tuesday || street girls

  images by moi

 this, my friends, is a snippet of my entryway. just about everything in my front hall is sentimental, and these three pieces of art are no exception. the map is of tokyo, japan, which i was lucky enough to visit about five years ago. the street girls sign was a housewarming gift from a good friend when i bought my loft. we shared an apartment at one time, and she knew how much i loved it, so she very generously donated it to me. the hammerpress poster (bottom) was a gift from several of my girlfriends when i got married, and i cherish it dearly.

* nope, i did not style this space for you. you get it like it really looks. lo siento.


  1. It's perfection when the pieces in your home are not only cute/stylish, but mean something as well. And girl, don't apologize for not styling it up- it looks great and it is more satisfying to see a home look lived in! xoxo

  2. I love getting glimpses into your home! The map in particular is amazing. I have such a fondness for maps

  3. What special meanings ! They look great.


  4. LOVE the street girls and sailors sign. Lovely post... as usual. :)

    xo Cari

  5. Ha! I love your artwork. The street girls sign is hilarious.

  6. Seriously, I think it looks amazing! It's real and chic at the same time


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