August 23, 2011

type tuesday || love, jenna

i have long been a fan of jenna hein's gorgeous calligraphy. her look is fancifully casual, making it look soooo easy to be sooo amazing at her craft. after a peek at these wedding embellishments with her gorgeous handwork on every last detail, i think you'll be a fan as well . . .

images via love, jenna || photography by trent bailey


  1. Gah! Beautiful. Lovely. I'm super jealous. Must learn how to beautify my handwriting.

  2. I am off to check her out. I think I need her services.

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  3. so, so pretty! I'm a big fan... what a wonderful touch for a wedding.

  4. I am such a huge fan of hers too, gorgeous work!

  5. It is such an art, really! Do you do calligraphy too?

  6. This is's like a fairytale in typography (c: It's not hard to see why the written word is so powerful when you see it presented like this!

  7. Oooohhh it is so pretty! I love the idea of writing the menu choice on the plate!

  8. Um I'm in heaven. I love it on the dinner plates the most of all! I am bookmarking this for future...parties :)


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