August 22, 2011

guest posting || small shop

good morning, party people! i slept half of the weekend, just like i said i would, and i'm feeling fully rested and back in action. however, i am without an I Am post. a girl can only do so much. promise those will be back next week.

in the meantime, i have a very fashionable guest post for you this morning. when erika of small shop asked me to stand in for her during her relaxing birthday week off, i was flattered beyond belief. i think so much of erika's style, taste and talent. combine that with shopbop's formal collection falling into my inbox, and you have one inspired blogger (that's me). i would love for you to hop over and see what i picked out for her to try on for her upcoming celebration-worthy days!

if you need some extra prompting (shame on you!), i couldn't help but put an extra look together featuring the most amazing convertible dresses you ever did see. i know i've come across these babies before, but their versatility is really speaking to me now. has anyone tried these two birds dresses? verdict? because i'm considering one in every color . . .


  1. Gorgeous !! Off to check out what you put together for Erika :)


  2. Oh geez! Another one for me to choose from? You're killing me (with style - heh heh). Thanks again!!

  3. Loved your guest post!!! So many great ensembles, I want them all! :)

  4. That dress is gorgeoussss! Love how many ways you can wear it!

  5. i'm getting married in 3 1/2 weeks and this is the dress my bridesmaids are wearing! i love it because they'll all look cohesive, but get a little individuality by wrapping it differently. i loved it so much, i bought one for myself! they're SO comfy! it's always good to have a little fashion tape on hand, though... some of the low-cut styles can be easy to slip out of!


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spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!