August 19, 2011

a party for me, myself and i

this is where i'll be this weekend if anyone needs me.

except no one is actually allowed to interrupt the slumber that is about to ensue.
this girl is tired, and i cut people for lesser offenses.


  1. I'm risking a slashing to tell you to have a great weekend, and you better fill it with balloons and soft lighting. Seriously. I want pictures. xoxo

  2. Enjoy the weekend !!


  3. You're speaking my language - I was up til 2:30am last night and I am not doing well today. No bounce!

  4. Ha ha! I hear you loud and clear...don't worry, I won't be waking you up because I will be busy getting my own sleep on...that and finishing the last Hunger Games book. Feel free to judge me for the geek that I am (c:

  5. Aww, sweet. Have a lovely weekend, great picture.

  6. Wow, I never thought just white balloons could be so pretty!!


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