April 4, 2012

interiors // rethinking the white . . . maybe

just when i was all fully convinced that i wanted white walls in our dining room, sue goes and posts this.

daun curry for modern declaration // via the zhush

who wouldn't want that warm and welcoming cornflower wallpaper in their dining room??
(random fact: cornflower was one of my favorite crayola colors as a kid. and not just for the name.)

dark antique dining table . . . stately white chairs (i hope) . . . statement lamps on a modern console . . .
gorgeous fireplace and bits of brass . . .

totally not ready to commit, am i?

also, a thousand thank yous for all of your awesome feedback on the new apartment 34 column! you honestly have no idea how much your support means, friends. ox


  1. Oooooooh, that IS gorgeous!!! That would be so perfect.

  2. OK, so you need that light too!!! Go for the color with paint, easy fix if you hate it, double dog dare you. ;)

  3. Very nice... a perfect accent wall with white! Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your day. Jalon

  4. Gorgeous wallpaper. So pretty. I'll take the light fixture too!

  5. Yeah, that be awesome, but it's only on a small wall in the picture. How much wall space do you have to cover? If you have tons of windows and/or wainscoting, I say go for it!

  6. Okay, our brains are very similar. I pinned that same photo the other day from The Zhush and posted it yesterday for a totally different reason (round-up of animal statues - note the little monkey in this photo). But I love this wallpaper, color, light - oh, all of it. I say go for it. The contrasts will be beautiful!

  7. I always do this, too! How can we ever commit when they are so many Ah-mazing things out there?! It's a cruel, cruel world!

  8. @Erin, I really only have one large wall. The others are broken up with doorways, windows, the fireplace and a built-in. And that one wall will likely house a console and the couple of spare chairs. I HAVE considered adding some molding action to that room....so love that you mentioned that as well!

    The dining room is now the one I was calling the formal in this post: http://becauseitsawesome.blogspot.com/2011/12/new-diggs.html

  9. Cornflower was mine to,I still reach for it often. I need to find some scrapbook paper in that color. I was thinking a similar color for my bed room. I think it is the warm gold against the cool cornflower that makes it work. Which makes me think my big and warm wood head board will look really good with that color. I like the big gold circle on the ceiling it draws the eye up and opens the room up.

  10. This is a fantastic space! The wall color is yummy!

  11. If it were up to me, the world would be painted white (if you haven't noticed already) but YOU my dear need colour!
    Do it!

    ps you are totally family. You best be coming to my imaginary Easter brunch

  12. SUE!!!! Ugh!! haha! Seriously though, this is a gorgeous pic!! xoxo Elizabeth

  13. Love the gold ceiling. Do that!

    Haha I'm like the devil on your shoulder.

  14. PS- just had to say that I LOVE white walls, but if there's one room I usually mix it up, its the dining room. How is the natural light in there?

  15. DO IT. I have swatches of this wallpaper in all color ways - as soon as I saw it I knew I had to have it...and I think it's going to go in my dining room as well. It's gorgeous and timeless - and bold.

  16. Dang, your house is awesome!

    I totally think you could do it with wainscoting. I probably think you could do it without -- especially if the shutters open to either side.

    On the plus side, cole and son wallpaper is super duper easy to hang and it's non woven -- supposedly you can peel each strip away in one single piece.

    In other words, it'll cost you about $400-500 and a weekend to try it out, and if you hate it just peel it off.

    And yes to the gold ceiling! Meow.

  17. Wow, very fun cornflower paper , love the chandelier!

  18. I am the same way!! I always say I want neutral until I see some awesome, over the top wall paper, or accessory. :)

  19. I think the wallpaper would look amazing-- color is the way to go. When I was working on my own home, I found an Online Interior Design Service to help me picture how things would look in advance, as well as to help with ideas and inspiration. While I do work for Simply Decorate, they were honestly a huge help and are really worth checking out.


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