April 3, 2012

contributing column // Apartment 34

so if you follow me on twitter, you may have seen a hint that i had another exciting collaboration in the works. well, i'm thrilled to announce today that gaby of the vault files and i have teamed up to bring you a shiny new series for apartment 34!

gaby is constantly a serious inspiration to me. we started to see awhile back that her sense of fashion marries very well with my decor style. and so we came up with a great way to bring the two together!

come see us over at apartment 34 to see what the series is all about!


  1. Oh I love this concept!!!! And I love those graphics!!!!! You guys are so creative!!! xoxo Elizabeth

  2. So so happy for you! Loved the column, of course :)

  3. Love this - awesome... of course. Enjoy your day! Jalon

  4. I'm very excited to see what we come up with in the future Tobe! :)

  5. So excited for you 2! Both very inspiring and talented ladies! I can't wait to see your posts. :)


you're awesome. thanks for your comments! if you have specific questions about the content of a post, please email me at tobe(at)becauseitsawesomeblog(dot)com.

spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!