March 13, 2012

type tuesday // alexandra grant

on the flip side of this morning's post, how gorgeous is this myriad of color by los angeles artist alexandra grant?? i die!

images via in the make

read the enamoring and in-depth interview at in the make, a very cool new-to-me exploration of artists' influences, process, environments and daily practices.


  1. I love the beauty in the chaos. Clicking over to check out that interview. I love hearing about others' creative processes.

  2. AMAZING! I love all the bright graphics.... Thanks for the great inspiration. Have a great evening - Jalon

  3. Wow- you gotta wonder what goes on in her head, right?
    Looking forward to reading in the make!!

  4. Gorgeous indeed. I'm wondering the same thing Erika is... whats going on inside there to inspire such creations?!

  5. Such a beautiful piece of display graphic!! Wish it was on my wall


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