March 14, 2012

interiors // schuyler samperton

not long ago, i happily received an email from the offices of interior design super talent schuyler samperton. schuyler's portfolio thrills me because it is full of so many of the things i love to see in a space; layering of pattern, natural materials and textures, bold color, and a broad representation of genres and eras. but, perhaps most importantly, there's an ease about her style. rooms look warm, welcoming and liveable while still highly crafted and unexpected.

in short, she's goo-ood. i'm definitely taking notes for my own space!

images via schuyler samperton


  1. I love her look too. Her style reminds me of my older aunt who used to throw things together in her house just like this. Bold colors, objects from world travels, antiques and comfy pillows arranged with lots of indifference to design rules.

    The result was warm and inviting. I need to find out more about schuyler samperton. Thanks for introducing her to me.

  2. Oh la good! I adore all the pattern play in these spaces...and the chinoiserie paper- thanks for sharing!

  3. I really like the bright color and global influences! Makes the formality of some of the rooms seem much more comfortable.

  4. All of the rooms like slightly "shabby" and lived in. Great style and the range of color is inspiring.


  5. Woah! I agree--her work is beautiful!

  6. I love those striped side chairs, dayum she knows colors.

  7. Oh I love her work! She layers pattern with such confidence and it looks amazing - I think a lot of people (including myself) feel scared of having too many different bold patterns in a room but she's definitely one who knows how to pull it off rather fabulously! Awesome post xxx

  8. She is one of my favorite designers. Her use of color is wonderful.


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