November 7, 2011

travel :: staycation

happy monday! hope you had a stellar weekend. we spent some time celebrating five years together and an early birthday evening with a little staycation at local urban b&b, the southmoreland inn on the country club plaza.

that's our room above. each one is named and decorated for a notable kansas citian, many of whom shaped the city's development in major ways. during turndown service, they actually flipped a book open to our room's figure of inspiration (william rockhill nelson), and i couldn't help but keep searching the book to discover the stories!


  1. What a beautiful building! that type of architecture typical for KC? (Assuming that's a historical building, of course)

  2. Love a good staycation. Your bed is gorgeous!

  3. Looks like a great time! Thats a really nice spot!


  4. Wow, that looks like a beautiful place! Glad you got to celebrate...everyone deserves a weekend "away," even if it is a staycation! XO, Katie

  5. I can't believe I didn't know about that place and I lived on the Plaza! I blame it on the fact that I was in law school and didn't get out much, but seriously, there's so much I need to learn about KC.

  6. so cute!!!

    I'm about to attack you on the interwebs to wish you a happy birthday. WEEE!!!! I hope it was AMAZING


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