November 4, 2011

happy friday!

today is pretty great, isn't it? i don't think i've mentioned this, but november is one of my favorite months.  for one, i celebrate my birthday at this time every year (next monday to be exact. my fashion pinterest board has a great gift selection if you're interested), football season is in full swing (did anyone catch that monday night chiefs/chargers game? heya!), my fall wardrobe gets to come out (turtlenecks and boots? yes, please), and comfort foods are completely acceptable (pretty sure our cafeteria served thanksgiving dinner for lunch yesterday and i obliged).

adding to the excitement this year, eric and i are celebrating 5 years together on this very day. we call it our non-date anniversary because at the end of an amazing night, he suggested that we invite a couple of our mutual guy friends next time. what the?!?! i'd been under the impression that we were doing just fine on our own (dinner and a few games of pool. i've been known to hold my own, and i needed to be sure he could handle it). the next time he called me (three weeks later), he admitted that he was a little freaked out by how strongly he felt that night.

no surprise there, right? :)

alsoooooooooooooo . . . i am probably jinxing us right now, but i can't bear to hold it in. today is also very special because we are having our possible new home inspected!!!!!!! yes yes yes, we have finally struck a deal (third time's a charm) and are on our way to having a real grown-up home by the end of this month!!! those of you that have struggled with the home buying process know exactly how it feels to finally find one that you adore and to have the deal actually go through. absolutely euphoric. christmas comes twice this year.

don't even think about it. i'm drinking all of those.
more or less 200 houses later, i think we can agree that i earned them.

or, if you want those, i'll just go with one of these. that should be sufficient.

so please cross your fingers for us that nothing holds this one up, and that i will be showing you pictures of our new pad in a mere four weeks. your encouraging words have done so much to keep my spirits up throughout this process. i would kiss everyone's feet if i could. or, at least, invite you all to a housewarming party. you pick.

wishing you a fabulous fall weekend!


  1. Yay!!!I am so excited for you!! What area did you end up going with?!
    Now if I could only sell mine...

  2. Such an exciting weekend! Enjoy! :)

  3. congrats on finding the perfect place! hope you'll share photos with us as you make it your own!

  4. That poster is AMAZING. And OMG how exciting that you finally found a place! I am definitely crossing my fingers and I can't wait to see pictures once you've put your fabulous touches on it! Congrats!!

  5. So excited for you and congrats on EVERYTHING! :) x

  6. I absolutely love that we share a dating anniversary. And actually, when you said that he wanted to invite guy friends on the next date, I honestly thought you were going to say that he thought you were so cool and amazing and could hold your own, he wanted you to hang out with his friends!!

    So happy for you re: the house. Fingers crossed and can't wait to see the first pics.

  7. I'm so thrilled for you! Best of luck and cheers to your new home!! XOXO

  8. I have had all of my limbs crossed all weekend for you!! Any news? What a great birthday present THAT would be!

  9. Fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed for you! Keep thinking positive! And hello Moet water cooler.... our office DEFINITELY needs one of these. xx

  10. Thanks so much for featuring our print! November is one of our favorite months too for almost the exact reasons - my husband's birthday and the month of our first date too. Love your blog!


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