November 1, 2011

perfect package || foiled

lately, anything with gold foil is catching my eye. this wine label for fiano di avellino docg is no exception.

design by basile advertising || spotted via lovely package


  1. Oh wow. I love it! I am like a magpie too...just put that sparkle in front of me and I am mesmerized. xo

  2. Not much I love more than a pretty wine bottle- this is fabulous!

  3. So pretty... I'm with you - loving gold leaf & gold foil right now!

  4. AMAZING. I love this and want to give it away as a gift!

  5. I normally try my hardest not to judge wine by the label, but this i totally am. It's so pretty I would have to drink it!

  6. Well you KNOW I'm gonna love it. I just got my new biz cards gold foiled!!

  7. I'm obsessed with gold at the moment - this bottle is gorgeous!


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