November 2, 2011

lifestyle || pure opulence

 images via inspired design

please try to tell me you wouldn't kill for that kitchen.
nope. you can't, can you?


  1. I'd kill for that kitchen... AND that belt!

    blair @ scsd

  2. Considering I would kill for the range in that kitchen, there's no telling what I'd do for the ENTIRE kitchen itself. Hide yo kids, hide yo wife...give me marble tiles and copper cookware and I'm a danger to you and yours.

  3. Um..I love those black beauties! I was even thinking about putting on some pretty black undies like that this morning to make me feel better..wish I had!

  4. Wow. That kitchen screams deliciousness. Fully black beauty! I'll take a gilded kitchen, treat, outfit, anything! Anytime! Love it. xox!

  5. Nope, I can't! That kitchen is amazing!! Loving all of the black and gold!


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