November 21, 2011

interiors || twisted tradition

you're going to have to excuse the interior-heavy posts for the next few weeks. i'm a bit obsessed, as you can imagine. the loft is slimming down and the boxes are piling up around here. it's bittersweet now that it's all real. i've wanted it so badly for the last few months, and now i'm starting to see what i'll be losing when we make this move (albeit gaining a great deal, too!).

anyhoo . . . i've been stealing away moments to peek through some of my old shelter mags as i pack them up. i'm one of those that tabs my pages when i come across something yummy. are you? it's enlightening to see how my taste has evolved in the last year or so. i have some beautiful spaces marked in the november 2010 elle decor, no doubt. but one that i didn't mark a year ago that i've now reveled in thoroughly is the upstate new york collaboration of architect gil schafer and (longtime fave of mine) miles redd. please observe:

photos by william waldron for elle decor

don't argue with me. that shiz is good. worldly, unexpected, colorful, perfectly layered . . .
what's not to like?


  1. My taste changes week on week sometimes but i still love to see stuff i've pulled from sometimes 10 years ago. There are things that just don't date.

    Not quite my shizz but that's probably why! Ha ha

  2. I have, too, noticed my taste evolving! And you know I love that you are focusing on interiors :)

    Are you going to reveal the new home on the blog? I want to see it!

  3. Loooooove that navy kitchen...I need a client with guts to do that. How about I come down to KC and we do a navy kitchen for you??? :)

  4. Those are some gorgeous photos. Any change, now matter how welcome, can be bittersweet. Good luck with your move. Can't wait to see your progress.

  5. I love pattern on pattern! It's one of my favorites!!

  6. BEAUTY! That first kitchen is TDF. Gah, I love Elle Decor.

  7. Please don't apologise for the interior-heavy posts... in fact, keep them coming! They are wonderful! Such beautiful images. X

  8. Love these images! I don't think I have congratulated you on your new house!! So happy for you! Looking forward to lots of interior heavy posts!


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