November 18, 2011

interiors || framed art

as i dream about decorating the new house, i can't help but fall hard for these perfectly imperfect art walls from the gorgeous manhattan home of kate and andy spade. naturally, the home is charming in entirety and warrants a look-see. no question. it's just these walls . . . they're everything a stylish yet at ease home should be, and they have me thinking about all of the bare walls i'll be dressing in the coming months with bright eyes and eager anticipation.

images via from me to you for matchbook magazine

and i can't sign off without telling you guys that i'll be having some company on the blog in the coming weeks. while i may drop in a time or two, eric and i are taking this time to get ready for the big move (less than 2 weeks!!!) and to spend some time with the fam over the holidays.

you will not be disappointed with the peeps that will be stopping in, so be sure to come by next week! ox


  1. I'm always a sucker for a good gallery wall!

  2. For the record....soooo happy you are back!! These images are gorgeous!


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