October 26, 2011

perfect package || scrub-a-dub

seriously dig this ayelet naturals face scrub packaging by oh boutique.

spotted via lovely package


  1. LOVE the packaging and they look so fresh too! mmm food for your face lol

  2. Very cool. Love the little color spots/hex's to represent the different ingredients too.

  3. The packaging looks great, and the products look pretty amazing too. I wanted to say they look delicious. Like that pomegranate one -- can I eat it?

  4. Looks good enough to eat!

  5. oooooh great shots of those products!

  6. I love your packaging posts! It’s fun to see what great design can do to a brand! Imagine that dead sea mud mask in a dodgy jar… Ewww.. But in this case, I just want to rub it all over my face.


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