October 27, 2011

lifestyle || a little luxe

for the past few weeks, i've been attempting to simplify the chaos and clutter in my life. i think we all know this doesn't come easily. the paperwork to address and file away piles up . . . exciting projects roll in . . . oh and when was the last time i scrubbed the floors? sometimes it's more fun just to look at pretty pictures and ignore what's in front of me.

only for a little while, of course. duty calls.

images via my newest favorite tumblr, jaclyn paige


  1. I am right there with you! I feel like I've got a little too much clutter right now.

  2. Tobe! What gorgeousness....so lovely. Thanks for a little luxe on this Thursday afternoon

  3. Holy crap...obsessed with every single picture- thanks for the Tumblr into...now stalking!

  4. ahaha i do the same reorganizing is a non stop task and i always end up in front of this screen looking at pretty pictures instead!! xo

  5. sheesh... thanks for the intro to that tumblr... fabulous!

  6. Isn't that the truth? There's always time for a pretty picture or two...

  7. sooo distracting! :)

  8. oh i have been feeling the exact same way! all day every day lately i've been thinking about how much i want to go through my whole house and get rid of all the clutter, but i also want to do a makeover on the guest room, oh and yes my floors are FILTHY too so that should also be done. its overwhelming and very easy to look at pretty things online instead.

    ps. i just found your blog and i absolutely love it!


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