September 22, 2011

perfect package || saxton cider

i don't know about you guys, but this cider packaging definitely makes my heart skip a beat. imagine yourself on a picnic on a cool fall day . . . pulling one out of the basket . . . i would just feel so fancy.

saxton cider packaging by new zealand design firm supply  ||  via the dieline


  1. I know I don't really like cider, and yet these are so pretty I would still want to try them. Love this packaging. Everything should be this lovely, right? xo

  2. Love the packaging! Perfect for getting ready for fall! So fancy!

  3. These are very fancy and a bit vintage looking too, love them :)
    Abbey x

  4. GORGEOUS design. I have to admit, I'm not really a cider fan, but I could be convinced otherwise if someone handed me one of these.

  5. I love that you introduce me to new graphics and packaging. This is gorgeous! I'm going to share with a client of mine. I think they'll love it.

  6. Beautiful job from their marketing department. I love me some cider.

  7. you always find the coolest package designs. These are fantabulous!


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