September 21, 2011

guest posting || here and there

hey, party people. i'm guesting for a couple of delightful ladies today, and, of course, i think you should go check it out.

first, i'm super honored to be babbling about myself with victoria of vmac&cheese. you might learn something you don't already know (like how i've jumped out of airplanes, climbed mountains and what i daydream about in meetings my free time), so please feel free to come by. plus, victoria's blog has quickly become one of my favorites. her daily discussions of the good life are often quite compelling, totally relatable and beautifully illustrated with all forms of eye candy.

 aaaaaaaand to carry on the wedding theme from monday's post, i'm over at blending beautiful today while the lovely kim is off honeymooning. i'm discussing how simple and manly we kept our wedding party (although, we did have 5 flower girls and a femme ring bearer, so i guess the ladies technically outnumbered). i've also pulled together some gift ideas for the men in our lives. i find this to be a challenge sometimes. how about you? come see my picks and let me know how i did!

big thanks to victoria and kim for having me over!
and extra huge congrats to kim on becoming a mrs!!!


  1. Oh, am looking forward to seeing what those man gift ideas are...always a hard one!

  2. Hooray! I'm so glad you were able to participate today. Loved your post and I hope I can try your salsa very soon. :)


you're awesome. thanks for your comments! if you have specific questions about the content of a post, please email me at tobe(at)becauseitsawesomeblog(dot)com.

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