August 2, 2011

lighting || on a house hunt

so, husband and i are on the hunt for a new home. we're one for 50 so far. someone snuck in and beat us to the punch a couple of weeks ago, and i'm sort of sick over it because the house was nearly perfect, but i know that it just means there's a better one out there. blah blah blah.

last weekend, we actually looked at a house across the street from the home i grew up in. weird, right? well, it was weird. i'm not sure the house had been touched since it was built in the 70s. which, honestly, is what i'm wishing for so we i can update it to our my taste, but this one was a little too craaaaazy.

everything except the light fixtures, that is. i was absolutely obsessed with every last one of them! obsessed.

images via the awesome husband

don't you feel like that chandelier is begging for some fancy red wallpaper, velvet drapes, an ornate moroccan table with big upholstered armchairs on either end, a mismatched set of vintage decanters on the barcart and gold accents dripping everywhere? i don't even like red and i'd still honor this chandelier with the room it deserves. i wish you could have seen how it sparkled.

wish i liked it enough to buy that crazy house. the search continues . . .


  1. I haven't seen chandeliers like those in years! Oh my, they are amazing-- and very bright & shiny. Thanks for the photos. What a hoot!

  2. those are amazing! Too bad the rest of the house didn't follow suit.

    My fingers are crossed for you and your mister. The perfect house is just waiting for you - I know it!

  3. House hunting can be so rough...We bought our first this year, and when we struck out on "my dream home" I was devastated. Now, back to those light fixtures. They knocked my socks off- seriously, right off.

  4. The drug dealer down the street from us who will be going to prison soon is looking to sell. I'll send you the address...

  5. Oooh how glam! You know i love it. That would be weird to live across your childhood home, but maybe if all of your neighbors lived there still. Otherwise, you could totally reinvent it for yourself!

    I feel like a need to see a board of your vision because it sounds delish!

  6. I think I would buy the house just to get hold of those glam lights. And the door in the background don't look half bad either!

  7. Blue Fruit - we've got the tip on a couple that is going to make a bid. you best believe i've let them know that i want those if they decide to take them down!

  8. Nice to meet your blog! I love your eye for style! Ohh and I am your newest fan! :) I am off to keep reading your posts! xox!


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