August 3, 2011

interiors || colorful contemporary

love the vibrant color combos and furniture mix in this contemporary home.

i don't consider myself especially talented when it comes to vignettes, so i appreciate a beautifully styled bedside table as much as anyone.

images via nuevo estilo


  1. Holy fabulous- I adore everything about this place. I love how it's modern but has so many colourful/eclectic gorgeous!!

  2. I can't get over the chair in fabulous is that? Lovely eye candy today, thank you! xoxo

  3. This is exactly how I'd want to have my house... if it were contemporary. So cool.

  4. THANK YOU for finding contemporary homes with soft furnishings! Do you know how much trouble I had with that?! The first pic is going on my Dream Home board!

  5. Everything is just so well put together - I too am a lover of a good vignette partly because mine never quite have that wow factor. Just a beautiful contemporary home! x Sarah


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