April 16, 2015

One Room Challenge No. 3 // Spring 2015

You guys. Week three is on fire!!! Things are coming in and I am getting rul rul ambitious. First, if you haven't been following thus far (umm...why not?), check out why I decided it was time to give our kitchen a facelift here, and what my plan of action is here. Once you've done these things, please proceed.

First, the pendant from Bellacor came in. I would be doing all of you a disservice if I did not tell you that it is absolutely perfect. I am pestering the husband like nobody's business to get that baby up asap. (I could probably word that better, but it's been a long week and we have a lot to get through today so bear with me.) He's putting me off, but with 8 years together, I know how to wear him down ;)

Here she is in all of her glory:

I went with the smaller of the two sizes, but know that there are options if you need more impact in a larger room. Oh, I love her so.

I also scored a few fabulous vintage items last week, like this brass wine rack and a set of three marble tea light holders. Perfect bits that will compliment my new The Aestate print nicely for the countertops.

The bamboo blinds for the kitchen sink are in as well. Yay privacy! I ended up going with these (against my better judgment given my trouble with Overstock during the last ORC). They're not out of the box yet, so I'll have to report back. Could be an elephant in there for all I know.

I'm still debating whether to keep the existing mid century chairs or switch back to our bentwoods. I LOVE the chairs that we have now, but the legs protrude at just enough of an angle in our tight space that we're constantly kicking them. I thought maybe we would adapt, but not so. The bentwoods have a nice, small footprint. So that's still in the air.

In other very ambitious news, I've decided that it's unfair for Mama to get a new kitchen while Ava stands by. SO. I will be attempting my first Ikea hack. Ava got a DUKTIG play kitchen from Santa last year and I'm going to turn it into the dream kitchen I've she's always dreamed of. Some inspiration:

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6
I'm imagining a combo of pretty much all of the above. White uppers with gray lowers, brass hardware, brass faucet, countertop treatment, stylish "burner" knobs, etc. Those of you that have been around awhile know that I am NOT a DIYer in the least. I love it in theory. But I work with hundreds of creative folk everyday that put me to extreme shame. I'm setting a high bar by even mentioning it and making you anticipate the results.

Anything for the babies, right?

I'm planning to paint a faux marble countertop. If all goes well, I may apply the same treatment to our DOCKSTA tabletop. DIY. TIMES. TWO. Man, I'm getting crazy with these ORCs.

That's all I have this week. Keep up on Instagram for the latest.

Let's go see what everyone else is up to, shall we?


  1. Love the light! So cute those play kitchens too :) xo

  2. LOVE the pendant you chose! And any of those play kitchen would look great in yours too!

  3. Those Kitchens are amazing, I can't wait to see yours. Its making me want to go out and buy one myself to makeover!

  4. Um, I have that mini ikea kitchen and I didn't know what a bad mom I was until I saw all the other impressive ones! And really, that light is everything. Can't wait to see more!

  5. Love, love, love the pendant! And the mini glam kitchen? Makes me want to be a little girl again just so I can play in it! Can't wait to see it all come together. xo

  6. Not sure what happened to my comment! I adore, adore your pendant. It is so spectacular! and I love that your baby's kitchen gets a refresh too. Those Ikea hacks were precious. My baby is 7 and still plays with her kitchen. They are such a good investment.

  7. Your light looks awesome, and I'm excited to see the your DIY kitchenette, sounds like a fun project!

  8. Is it weird that I want a mini Ikea kitchen now of my own? It's like I could live out all my kitchen design fantasies at a fraction of the cost! You get your hands on all the most fabulous brass goodies by the way - that wine rack? For reals...?!! On pins and needles for the hand-painted marbling. Go for it girl!

  9. That light is gorgeous! Can't wait to see how both kitchens turn out! Good luck with your hack.

  10. That light is all kinds of fab! Those play kitchens are so adorable and I'm also really envious of them! xo

  11. Those little kitchens are the cutest! I'm sure you will do great things with it even if DIY isn't your thing.

  12. Oh that light makes my heart go all a'flutter!! Gorgeous - and the vintage wine rack - swoon! #brassforeva

    Also, those play kitchens are cuter than my kitchen!! Can't wait to see what you come up with ;) xxx


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