March 14, 2013

Photography // Steve Back, Hutt Lagoon


Completely unreal.

Steve Back Photography

Sidenote: Did anyone else see that Google Reader will be no more after July of this year?! What the whaaaaaa? I am going to have to start preparing now. If you don't follow BIA via Facebook, Bloglovin or Twitter (dah - you obviously should be), how do you follow? Please share since many of us will be seeking out and/or accommodating new methods!


  1. This is so awesome. The reason I know it is so awesome is because I cannot even distinguish what these pictures are of. How cool!

  2. I love these photographs! the colors are beautiful. Of course you need a few of them together to display I think. I just heard about google reader....I guess bloglovin will have to be the go-to now?

  3. yes, I saw that announcement!! I think my heart stopped! I read all my favorite blogs during my train commute using the google reader app on my phone.

  4. first of all, these are incredible and you always bring such fresh finds! Um, yeah. I love Google Reader and am totally bummed. I guess it exports, so that's nice. xo

  5. I use bloglovin, I like it on the computer but when I try to use the app on my iphone I can't always leave comments-But all in all I like :)

  6. OK these are so vibrant and....unreal!! What are they pictures of? I love this, Tobe!! And no more google reader?? BOOOOOOO Bloglovin it is!

  7. Uhm, is that a real place?? Incredible! Oh and also fell off my chair when I read the Reader announcement... why not just announce the end of Google while you're at it? Would be equally devastating... :(

  8. I already follow you on Bloglovin' :) I like that you can organise your reads by folder, anything that helps me keep more organised is welcome! xxx

  9. These photos are really great. I love there color, there way of capturing. Of course you need a few of them together to display I think. Thank you so much for such a great post. Destination wedding photographer

  10. feedly is the way to go - it's seamless between phone and desktop and really well designed.


you're awesome. thanks for your comments! if you have specific questions about the content of a post, please email me at tobe(at)becauseitsawesomeblog(dot)com.

spammers, don't even bother. i approve all comments, so quit wasting my waking hours!